
You say that, like it's a bad thing.

If I had to choose between Kristen Bell doing another bad rom-com or Kristen Bell doing another potentially bad Veronica Mars thing, I'll choose Veronica Mars, thank you very much.

Agreed! The combined Feast/Dance is an amazing read. In terms of crazy stuff happening it will still disappoint many casual readers, I guess. But I find its sheer depth and complexity very engaging.

Now that I've seen this documentary, Lauryn Hill didn't lie. She totally emulates Nina Simone, including becoming a bit crazy and having a big downfall.

Many people, from their teenage years onwards, spend more time a day with their friends and later their colleagues, than with their siblings. But then, incestuous relationships are probably more likely to develop in very close knit families, or between social outcasts, who don't find opportunities for love/sex in

Just to play devil's advocate:

Wolfgang could've left his family behind a long time ago and chosen a life outside the world of crime. He could have decided not to get himself into a pissing match with his uncle and cousin. Or, after he made these mistakes, he could have gone to the police, and let them topple the criminal empire and provide safety

I can really recommend the book. It's fantastic, with one of the strongest endings I've ever read.

Voltron, huh? I thought they would pool their powers together to summon Captain Planet.

Now that all the sensates are finally in the same boat, here are a few not yet explored character interactions that could be exciting in the sure to come (right?) second season:

I would believe it!

Speaking of diversity: It shouldn't be something that needs to be praised, but on most other shows a one-scene therapist role would almost always default to "white".

Seconded! I appreciate, that the reviews for the most part took the show seriously as its own entity with its own themes, and were not all, Wachowski this, Wachowski that.

Man, that scene where Eva curled up on the sofa with a big bucket of Häagen-Dazs, after Adolf left her, really destroyed me.

Just wait and see. If in 5 years no show has come along, that rivals the greatness of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men or whatever your benchmark may be, then you can still retroactively declare, that the "Golden Age" ended around 2015. But right now, the next masterpiece might be just around the corner. Who knows?

You can't compare a moment in time to a span of 10 years looked upon in hindsight.

And they could as easily have picked the finale or the birthing episode. Sense8 is fantastic.

Interesting. Thanks for that!

So, I looked something up:
On German Netflix, Sense8 accumulated in its short life span more user reviews than any other Netflix original series besides House of Cards. Most of them are very enthusiastic 5-star ratings. How does that compare to the American Netflix?