
"I mean, as crazy storytelling goes is it worse that BvS?"

How do you know they weren't expecting the "A Beautiful Mind" of Transformers movies?!

The resolution on Photon was much better than VHS.

I think the "winning" happened when the Nintendo execs finally realized they could sleep comfortably on that giant pile of money.

Now I want a Turok action figure.

G.I. Jake is more than a match for your dumb officially licensed soldiers!

So who will make a cameo in Hellboy?

When is Michael Mann's next movie coming out, anyway? I know nobody but me liked blackhat but I want another movie, dammit!

That's too bad, it was my favorite.

For this to be like the Happening they would have had to to go insane and try to kill themselves.

Forget all that, what kind of porn do these people watch? I mean, there has to be some pretty sick shit in there given what we get in their TV shows.

Yeah! Okay! This is great because earlier, you were implying that I was racist because you thought that I was implying that all Jewish people are related, and then it turns out that you people actually are!

Instead of Seinfeld2000 it's Davis2000

People will get over it if it's good, probably.

You guessed it

They didn't need to do that, the reason that black people hide out in Colorado is that they are hunted down and executed by the regime. Not exactly sharp viewers that are needed.

Yes, and in fact they are still doing so, that's why one of the characters has to hide his son's neurodegenerative disease. He will be executed if anyone finds out.

I would love a movie based on Imperium.

I said '90s Valiant was better written than '90s Image, though, not that it was amazingly written.

Yeah but this time Bourne can't be killed…okay, I mean, like, literally.