
I really like that fight for some reason, though. I disliked that they never returned to any of those elements, though, due to I guess issues with Universal and lukewarm reception to the film as a standalone, because you won't get the Leader again. They did bring back Ross but not Betty, and I doubt they will.

Hancock has a bad third act and the twist of his power and the romantic lead's was kind of silly. I just didn't like it much.

Eh, I'm getting tired of all these joke characters. I suppose DC will have to start matching Deadpool and Squirrel Girl with Ambush Bug and Hitman and the like. I suppose for Rocket Raccoon they have Ch'p.

That's exactly what the show did, right? When it jumped ahead 40 years it was Steve Trevor's descendant, played by the same guy. They could potentially just do that again.

I interpreted "walking away from mankind" to be "Not running across literal WW1 battlefields". Espionage is pretty low-key.

They can always talk about Ancient Aliens some more!

I wish they would make up their minds, since that plane and body they found on that one island were presumed to be Earhart, but now they decided they aren't sure.

Maybe it will just be Manson analogs.

Please enjoy the cringe once again:

Is there a sign outside my house that says, "bring your hot sexy feet in here"? I SAID IS THERE A SIGN OUTSIDE MY HOUSE THAT SAYS "BRING YOUR HOT SEXY FEET IN HERE"?!

Maybe like, before they killed the Tates, they secretly were trying to kill some hippies who wandered into their commune.

I think growing it out in back enhanced the fact that the front is retreating. He should just buzz cut it down like Bruce Willis used to do before going full bald.

Come now, he always looked like a creepy geek. He's just amped up the creepiness in recent years.

Yeah, I think in real life we often assume that these people are secretly hypocritical or what have you, that they must secretly know they're evil—I think it's much more dangerous when they really do believe they are doing God's work, there's no guilt holding them back from the most horrific actions. Really, the

The problem this time around is Brad Pitt carving a swastika into his forehead isn't seen as a form of punishment.

Brad Pitt carves a swastika into his…wait a minute!

Everybody knows Charles Manson was arrested in 1969. What this film presupposes is…what if he wasn't?

My memory is faulty, I'm sure. Unless it was around on that website prior to 2008.

I remember reading that excerpt from the script back in 2006, though, so this goat fucking has been a long time coming in my opinion!

I think the explanation of Dracula's motivations being that the Church killed his wife didn't come about until Symphony of the Night. III and the older games just have a very broadly delineated story that is not in-depth.