
Yeah I think this is a good way to describe it, and I am having a hard time telling people that while there is gore, it’s not GOREY per-se. I think a lot of the tension builds up after that shit in the first act, because when you throw an audience for a loop like that, well, that means you will do anything and that

I actually found the outside and inside of the house totally disconnected. When the movie first pans around the outside, it looked far more modern, and almost looked like an old craftsman-style home inside. Anyhow, it is a beautiful house and the film was beautifully shot, I thought. I just can’t get past some of the

I somehow picked up Kitchen Confidential in 2000 or 2001 and absolutely fell head over heels for him and his writing. In fact, when I was in NYC in late 2001 I went to Les Halles specifically because of him (I have no idea if he even still worked there). He’s always been this brash, sexy, gives no shits person who has

I dunno, I am a woman and I enjoy using the word cunt to describe women. It’s useful when they are bitches but also pinchy and manipulative.

“That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have a relationship for the person with BPD, but it does mean their partner has to have absolute boundaries.”

I had a very very bad relationship with someone suffering from BPD, and I hate him, but to say someone with the disorder shouldn’t be in a relationship is ludicrous. Wishing him all the luck in pursuing happiness and love and all that shit.

“Fayez Sarofim is a Coptic American heir to the Sarofim family fortune, fund manager for a number of Dreyfus family stock funds, an original and second largest shareholder of Kinder Morgan (NYSE: KMI) and part owner of the NFL team Houston Texans...With an estimated current net worth of $1.91 billion, Sarofim is

I had an ex who harassed me with hundreds of texts and calls a day and he was dx’d BPD’re probably not that far off. Definitely a personality disorder.

I’m assuming in your fantasy it’s like some super hot chick who just happens to be crazy. Doesn’t work that way. Also even someone you’re attracted to become unattractive really fucking quickly when they are threatening you.

Yeah but Big Sticks.

As I parent I wholeheartedly agree with this.

Maine has a fuck ton of islands.

This is the best thing I have read in some time. Brava.

I think it’s the whiskey.

Aw, bless his dumb racist vile heart. Good luck Dick!

He’s a piece of shit beyond what I ever thought would be possible for someone in public service, much less the president. I hate him so hard.

I watch porn as well and only women, I’ve been trying to unpack this for awhile but I am too tired.

My boyfriend loves comedy and recently put on her HBO show. She bugged me at first (I mean, the voice) but she had me rollllling with laughter eventually.

I think because it’s been questioned if he was actually saying “Bonnie” not “Mommy.”

Echoes Bundy.