
I feel like JK and others hit the nail on the head when they talk about horror being a vehicle for ordinary stories and larger social themes (all of which impact eeeeeeeveryone). With Get Out, race, with TQP, the fear that comes with child-rearing, to over-simplify. I’ve loved horror since I was a kid and it is rare

I agree. I saw the writing on the wall straight away, as did a lot of people, but quite a few white people I know, including my dad, were going on about how people were “jumping to conclusions.”

My boyfriend leaning over during the movie, talking about my 7-year-old son, “If we were in this situation Tate would kill us right away with one of his farts.”

Yep! I went to UCD and worked in the transfers office as a student admin. You can sign an agreement and so long as you keep up your GPA you’re guaranteed admittance. Also, CA community colleges are pretty damn good, and it saves a shit ton of $$.

It’s been amusing seeing the reaction to Sacramento since the movie was released. I grew up in Davis, went to UC Davis and live in Sac (have for....15 or so years) although I work in the east bay. I will stay here for at least another 10 years and my son goes to school in Sac (at GG’s old elementary school in fact). I

This one hit me in the gut. I loved The Cranberries as a teen/young adult. So many tears shed listening to their music. Good thoughts to her family and loved ones.

Yup, LOVE their lip gloss and the boy brow (just runs out too quickly). Concealer is pretty damn good too. I had no clue they had a shower oil now, and my skin has been hating me this winter, so I may need to try...

Makeup, legit. Skincare, meh. I use boy brow, love their lip balm and cloud paint.

“This is why Democrats lose.”

I mentioned my situation above and just wanted to say that I very much empathize. People are very quick to pounce on these kinds of things, and if you have dealt with a complex situation personally, of course it will color your perspective a bit. This does not mean that you make a blanket assumption that every woman

I think I can speak to this because I actually was raped by an ex partner (and father of my child) who I still very much care for. This is to say that these situations can be complex for those involved, no question. I’ve had to deal with a lot of feelings, as have my parents and his parents, and the act will never be

I Live in Sac and my son is a first grader and I almost had a heart attack when I saw the headline and Sac Bee mention. Fuck.

Lol, right.

Linda was SO fucking obnoxious in that doc.

I love this story.

She’s got a great walk. She’s a trained dancer.

I do, I am in northern CA, and I feel like it JUST happened. In fact when I saw this post I thought maybe it was old.

Yes, I left the father of my son when my son was 2. It was rough, he was hurt, and then he hurt me. We both fucked up and we’re both not perfect. But we are adults. We have worked VERY hard to preserve our relationship and friendship for the sake of our kid. We’ve hit roadblocks, it’s not always easy, and I am sure we

Same reason I hate far left people more than I hate far right.

So I worked on a project with her name slapped on it and did a serious deep dive into this girl, who I knew nothing about, then met with her team and mom. I found them incredibly professional and reasonable but they also took no shit. It was around the time she made a donation to some school system (can’t recall