Wait this makes a person a lazy asshole?
Wait this makes a person a lazy asshole?
“swing by”
Really? It took a while for me to warm to her when she first came on the scene but she’s a GREAT model.
I did a little fist pump while listening to that on the train. Love her.
Okay, I totally did this yesterday because I was desperate. It wasn’t champagne, but tequila/soda. With a Big Stick. It was actually pretty good.
My coworker, who comes from a police family, has actually recommended the same.
I saw Coppola recently at NYFW and she was alarmingly thin. I think she’s always been that way, but I was surprised to be shocked having been watching tall skinny models for days. Like....the tiniest person I’ve ever seen.
I can say with confidence that this is not the case. Many vendors will simply recreate something visually. Especially because patch art isn’t very complex.
I work with a lot of artists and writers and our company is aaaaaaaanal about this stuff. Our product features a lot of text, and you’re right, it’s difficult (although hardly impossible) to find original sources these days. If we have any inkling that text isn’t super common, we run it through legal. In fact, we run…
I’ll say 15% the Clinton name, 5% the “anti establishment” rhetoric and 80% vagina.
My first and only response was....thank fucking god it was him and not her. He’s a piece of shit but, yeah. I’m tired of reading about women being murdered by partners. I hope she gets the therapy she needs.
My dad is 6'5". You gotta shell out for those bulkhead seats.
Pretty much. She should just show up to this shit, who cares about anyone else.
Because she’s an insufferable twit, just like him.
Lol, I am 37 and also alone. But, I have a kid so I guess I am okay.
I still do the whole “that’s you in a nutshell” but in my head from time to time.