
My dad, every year the fucking Moody Blues aren’t added.

My ex’s mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her I don’t need anything, but if she’s inclined, a bottle of wine and a PP donation is always great.

Southwest has the funniest staff for sure.

Babies and less so children have an excuse. Adults do not.

Having traveled a lot, with and without my kid....YES. Loud people, inconsiderate people, people who think they are the only people in the world and in a rush and must get off the plane first, etc etc. Adults are FAR worse behaved than children.

I have very specific rules about reclining.

I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks this.

I ADORE Newsom but worry he’s too....slick looking and liberal for the greater electorate. I do think it’s his end goal, however, and I hope he does run.

My son’s dad said his old long-time GF’s name in bed when we first started dating. Recently he did the same with a new girlfriend except he said my name. I, myself, have never had this problem. And she reacted to it waaaaaaaaaay worse than I did.

“I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.”

I was going to, but I am in CA and my mom brought up a good point that the flight $$ would be better put to use if I donated it. I figure there are a ton of people going :-)

It’s not up to you or me to make that decision for them.

1. The GOP have been spinning bullshit about the Clinton’s for years. I recommend you watch the American Experience doc on them.

Same, I supported her in 08 and have always had a tremendous amount of respect for her. I still haven’t really processed what happened or what it means.

Thank you. Reading the response to this news has shown me that Sanders camp progressives have learned absolutely nothing. They will bitch and moan while doing nothing and set their reminders to complain again in 4 years.

Cracked has some legitimately awesome reporting. Their podcast post election blew my mind. I had always read them for the lolz but, damn.

He sounds smart.

Yeah, not much of a fan of this guy but I really feel for him. I developed really bad PPD because I went off my meds while pregnant and, like an idiot, have not tapered on and off meds before and it seriously fucks with you.

This is what is causing me the most stress right now. I honestly thought it couldn’t get worse. I don’t know even know what’s what anymore. It’s terrifying.

Oh man, I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation I started drinking modestly again at the beginning of my third trimester and my child is a fucking genius.