
See I’m drunk, and arguably not that smart...but I trust NASA.’s not really hard to listen to scientists. They are generally not all about self-interest and $$.

You can literally smell every fucking thing when you’re pregnant.

As Train says it’s makes sense on the Pink. Millennials and Gen Z have a lot of spending power these days so the focus is on them.

I actually hadn’t seen Kendall walk and....eeeks. I saw Gigi open a show a few seasons back and I LOVE her walk. It’s totally weird but somehow works.

Naw, they are both gorgeous and I like them both a lot, but they are not strong models. Modeling is, in fact, kind of hard, and some suck at it.

I work in expressions let’s just say...industry and can say with confidence that general greetings (i.e. non-religious and not speaking to Christmas) are far more popular. In fact, we develop more general that Christmas. So, I guess these people are in the minority.

I agree. I think part of the issue is that these people often do have numbers to back up their claims, but they are so removed from context it renders them irrelevant. You have to unpack this shit, it’s frustrating and I couldn’t do it, but he could and should have.

I listened to the Cracked podcast post-election (I recommend) and this was a big part of the argument. People like Ann Coulter sit down and plainly blurt out “facts” that are so insane people just flip the fuck out. I understand wanting to write them off but it’s pretty clear to me that liberals/Dems taking the high

Excellent point.

Someone who works for a NP mentioned in another post that it’s really not that big of a deal, lots of people make donations in honor of people. I have a monthly donation but also did a lump sum to Pence. I am usually not petty at all, but fuck that guy.

That’s so awesome, and that you. I went to PP for an abortion a few years ago and the experience couldn’t have been better or more supportive. I have a monthly donation set up but would love to volunteer, what do you do to help if you don’t mind my asking?

Having been in an abusive relationship where I was gaslit to the point of near insanity, this is one of the more impactful tactics for sure.

He doesn’t seem smart or calculating enough to be a psychopath. He seems to lack impulse control and just throws shit around until something sticks, like a toddler or a monkey, while simply denying or brushing off any negative or questioning feedback.

He really is such a deeply deeply unattractive person.

Someone on FB the other day said to me “is there anyone who LIKES a two party system??” and I was like...”yeah, I don’t fucking care, so long as a decent person is in charge.” I resent the assumption that because our two-party system isn’t perfect, introducing more political parties will somehow magically make

I would argue that a bigger waste of your time is coming into a post about the election and bitching about it. You are fucking insufferable.

“I didn’t vote.”

I am glad I’m in California because I know not-a-one person I have to have this discussion with. And I don’t know that I could without getting ragey.

Meth is pretty much cocaine (in terms of the effect) except the high lasts longer and there’s more shit in it. I feel like it’s the difference between eating McDonald’s and In-N-Out fries or something. I was a total cokehead in my 20s but the very first hard drug I ever tried was meth. It’s largely the same, high

None of these things are going to work until half of the population can be convinced to VOTE period.