I actually read that his team is trying to make that happen.
I actually read that his team is trying to make that happen.
My ex and I are working very hard at this. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.
My heart breaks. This year has been brutal.
Born and raised Californian and you certainly should consider coming. It’s expensive, however, so also consider OR and WA, both of which are gorgeous and solidly blue. Good luck.
Yeah, I give to PP monthly but also sent through an extra lump sum in honor of Pence.
He’s legitimately gotten better. I actually don’t hate these.
I am not a petty person, but I just donated to PP in honor of Mike Pence. This is on top of a monthly donation. I am also donating in honor of people I love in lieu of Christmas gifts. Thank you Perry.
I would love to see Harris run. Although I would also LOVE for Newsom to run.
Using numbers from the primaries is horribly misleading. Of course the economic spread was differently then.
This. From what I’ve heard, this population (un-educated, rural, white) came out in fucking droves. Polling missed them. People underestimated their anger. It has nothing to do with less minorities voting but MORE of these people voting.
I just recommended this on GT, it’s a very interesting listen about people just like your dad. And liberals like ourselves.
White women. And since about a quarter of the population voted for Trump and I’d assume half of them were women, that’s a pretty small group. Still worrisome, still stings of course, but they are not a majority.
I just said that, he seems freaked the fuck out. I maintain this dude never had any intention of winning. So weird.
Is it just me or does Trump seem legitimately freaked out.
And this broke my fucking heart: “Last week one of the elementary teachers brought a little kid having an anxiety attack to talk to me about the election. I showed the kid the numbers and she felt better. She isn’t at school today.”
I’ve been very gingerly broaching the subject with my kindergartener. I am very firm about not forcing political ideologies and badmouthing people (even Trump) with such a small child. But, I also want to know if there’s anything happening, if any kids are nervous or scared, etc etc. In the end I just keep reminding…
Please don’t make those assertions, you have no fucking clue if she would have won. You want to stick your head in the sand about toxic misogyny, be my guest, but don’t go spouting off about shit you can’t possibly back up. Neither Warren or Sanders have the lengthy and broad experience nor have they been vetted…
I recommend everyone watch the American Experience doc about the Clintons. None of this is surprising. At all. Just as appalling, for me, were the tired tropes and talking points from the 90s (stoked by the GOP for years to come) being trotted out by so-called progressives. At least the mouth breathers have the excuse…
He could turn around and say “just kidding folks” and mirror his policies after Lizzy Warren and it would not change the fact that so many people voted for him because of ignorance and fear and hate.