
I bet he thought he could do voices, but really just sounded like himself.

I read the 'tee hee hee,' of course, as a falsetto TEE-heehee. Followed by a crotch grab.

$8,500 for a healthy, white, blonde woman?

A white woman faked her own kidnapping and didn't blame a black guy? The headline image is the face of progress.

LOLOLOL your defense is, look, men are far more homicidal and suicidal, but women are such attention whores! Splash some water in your neuron's face, it needs it.

Damn. That's beautiful.

Gorgeous, no excuse needed.

I suspect that mine totaled around 35k. Central coastal Jersey. November (a Saturday evening), 2014. 135 guests. We were at a bayfront restaurant/event venue.

  • Around $75,000

I should say so. I mean, cats are not there for our amusement or as props for naked ladies with special hair. They are no man's (or woman's) prop, and they are not there for our entertainment. Also: how is the lead cat getting compensated? Are Cat's Rights lawyers going to have to get involved?

This cat has seen things. Things he shouldn't have seen.

When I was in high school, I wrote an entire play about my boyfriend dumping me. For whatever reason, the drama teacher thought it would be a good idea to put that piece of shit on stage.

I still cringe with embarrassment when I think about it, and it's been well over a decade.

Taylor. Katy. Learn from my mistakes. Cut

It's basically an expansion of compassionate use that takes it out of the hands of the FDA, that's the primary difference (the FDA hasn't even issued a statement rejecting the bill). Compassionate use can take a long time to navigate, sometimes more than patients have. I understand that this is a slippery slope, but

The laws allow patients to request drugs that have passed the first clinical trial stage – the one during which scientists determine whether a drug hurts people, not whether it can cure them. Just because a drug passes the first clinical trial does not mean it eventually will gain FDA approval.

Why is the magic trick for everything baking soda or lemon juice? Has anyone tried lemon juice for cancer? I hear it leaves your tumors all shiny and new.

That is one thing I appreciated about this article- she clarified that she doesn't think she was fat before. Thanks, Khloe! Do your thing!

I'm really surprised at how slender she is!

Again, it could be worse. These knock-off Kit-Kats, for example: