
There are gourmet cheeses at the grocery that cost more than meat. So to thoroughly secure Brattin’s spot as a dickhead he’s gonna want to insert some addendums stating that only American processed cheese food will be acceptable. We don’t want people gettin’ all uppity with 3 oz of Gruyere.

Preach! Clearance steak don't skurr me either. Take that shit straight home and freeze it.

Just so long as I can get my boo his purple drank. Yes, honkeys love purple drank too!

I prefer olive juice but I was always told that in the absence of a “test clean” kit you can drink enough pickle juice to throw off the alkaline in your urine allowing you to pass a urine drug screen for marijuana. Don't know if it actually works though.

Why is there always some manipulative bitch who tries to play the miscarriage card?

My parents divorced when I was young. On the weekends we went with our dad he would take us fishing (which 2 young girls had zero interest in) and would stop at the convenient store and let us buy anything we wanted to eat for the day. This was 1980-1984 and between the two of us we would get: 2-4 slim Jim's, 2 packs

1. blue

My husband and I are obsessed with the money pit on Oak Island. We talk about it all the time. This article links you to the History Channel series. It was also featured on an episode of Ancient Aliens. It's really fascinating and worth reading about.

No, not at all but thanks for the snark. My best friend, who is now an accomplished opera and Broadway performer was a 4th generation SAE and his father used to host epic pool parties every Labor Day and I was invited.

when I was 15/16 years old I used to party on occasion with some SAE's from Centre College...good times, man. That's all the input I got on this topic.

This is the first I've heard of this but I'm curious. I have terrible sinus troubles, including having surgery to try to help, but I continue to suffer. I have some acne also that is mostly hormonal and I have a tad bit gingivitis so I think maybe I could give this a go. Question: do you brush your teeth before or

I just switched to dayshift last month after 5 years of being on nightshift so DST is really gonna fuck up the progress I've made trying to adjust. Monday morning is gonna suck ass.

Anti-feminist? Oh for fuck sake. And no one is being demonized here. Why can't people lighten up? Guess we can blame it on the impending time change.

I'm sorry but that shit is funny and so are the name generators. If he had been like just one syllable off or had messed up only one part of her name it would have been a little mistake and we could move on, but no, this Mf'er looked straight into the teleprompter and choked. His one and only job for the evening was

Eddie Bauer online has become my new go to for casual clothing. It is more expensive than Target or Old Navy but its really quality clothing that lasts forever. I have never found Target's plus size dept. very good. Sometimes I buy their maternity clothing because its way cuter but in 20 years I have never once bought

So you are a chubby female searching for style at a decent price? Name all the other stores. Waiting. And so help me God if you say Walmart I will scratch your eyes out with my little plus sized fingers.

yup, yup

Really becoming annoyed with the Lindsey Lohan banners that keep popping up today on Jezebel. I just can't give a shit anymore about this trifling hooker and frankly, I've lost some of my admiration for Oprah for promoting this train wreck.

Is the stretched out skin over her breasts grossing anybody else out? I wonder if it hurts or itches stretched like that?

Yeah, I could seriously not give two shits about this woman and her choices... with one stipulation... that she continue living on donations. Cause if that bitch draws welfare I wanna fucking know about it and as a tax payer I would want to refuse to contribute.