I have a few years on him and am choosing to celebrate the fact that adult acne makes me look younger.
I have a few years on him and am choosing to celebrate the fact that adult acne makes me look younger.
I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.
I think they`re missing a lot of english literature...
Sounds more like the female presentation of autism to me, from the article, compounded by the idiotic ideals of femininity of the age... Esp what she said refusing talk therapy, that’s literally exactly what I said when I quit doing it, myself. I’m asd and for decades lots of people told me I was…
Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get…
Disclaimer: I’m obviously not blaming Kathy Griffin for this.
If the children are all First Nations, and it looks likely, the community may attempt a more traditional healing process, although the article does say that Social Services is already involved. Sadly, this often means that children are removed from the community, and it results in more alienation, which then causes…
Our reserves have notoriously horrific conditions. Canadians like to front like we are so progressive and post-racial but we have a very disturbing history of treatment of First Nations (and Inuit and Métis) people, and ongoing issue addressing said conditions on reserves.
Hey, Attorney General Fainting Couch! You know a way to rebuke “secrets” and “innuendo”?
OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.
I’ve been trying to reconcile how the man, who created Clair Huxtable and a TV show that went to great lengths to prove that women were equal to men, could be capable of all this horrific behavior.
She’s 19 and it’s kind of her job to push boundaries now. She’s still a kid, while also becoming an adult and this is a pretty normal boundary to push. I’m guessing she won’t be dressing like this in 10 years because this is how people learn.
As someone who routinely gets to enjoy himself without people commenting on what I wear, I endorse her doing the same.
The drug abuse, violence, suicide and general malaise First Nations people suffer in Canada is obscene.
Canada has an absolutely DEPLORABLE record when it comes to the First Nations people.
When it comes to Cananda and the first nations people, just as America with the native americans, they are both pieces of shit when they deal with those groups.
Comey is amazing. He managed to get the word hookers off that dossier into public record by way of writing what Trump said to him. Brillz! He’s basically begging to be asked about it and legitimize it further.
These “America First” people sure do seem to wind up working for wealthy foreign entities a lot.
Just a few thoughts from somebody who hasn’t thought much about this: what seems common to these women and other teachers who have been apprehended having sex with students is that they are all pretty-ish and all young-looking for their age. I wonder if they aren’t also all afraid of growing older, too. And perhaps…
Guess you could say his rescuing skills are en pointe.