
The walking to school thing really gets me (especially because I live across from an elementary school). Parents insist on driving their kids right to the door or walking them right to the door, often with the parents carrying their backpacks. This is a very safe neighborhood, so letting them walk even the last block

True. I was so grossed out by the image that I forgot about the text!

I'm kind of with the others who think she's just trying to be nice. But true niceness would mean not tacitly endorsing the crap he's responsible for.

During this whole thing, every time I look at my baby and I think about all the hopes and dreams I have for her, my heart breaks all over again for the parents and loved ones of these kids. How dare anyone be so reckless with a life. How dare the situation exist that a parent has to explain to their child that the

Is this what she's been doing at the gym all summer? Learning how not to dance?

I did a full-on double-take at that picture. Really, T-Swift? It puts me off.

Exactly. That poor kid. That poor woman. Those poor social workers who are going to have to untangle this mess for both of them. I don't use this word lightly, but that is total barbarism.

What I think is particularly effective in this piece is the emphasis on the emotional manipulation that is part of abuse. The way abusers tell their victims that they're nothing, or try to control how they dress. I applaud these women for coming forward on such a big stage.

My daughter is just about to the insane, repetitive cartoon age. Already steeling myself for the onslaught.

I loved reading Vogue back then. The editorials with the supes were so great. Whenever they bring back Linda, I'm all over it (but can barely read the copy anymore).

I think this list treats a lot of the soft skills that come with doing things like learning Latin and dissecting frogs as though they are hard skills. Your teacher can tell you about study skills until they are blue in the face, but until you need to sit down and get through some serious memorization, you won't be

I want to first of all make it clear that it doesn't matter whether or not Mike Brown stole anything. There is no excuse for his being killed in such a terrible way and due process exists for a very good reason. But I watched the security footage and I'm not convinced at all that it was him in that video. Like his

And think of all the self-management and problem-solving skills that fosters. Seriously people.

This is nothing other than to thank you for your writing. It elucidates so many issues that don't see the light in many other fora. I'll be directing my history of sexuality/gender students to this blog.

Even the easiest pregnancy is serious stuff.

Thanks for clarifying and thanks for pointing out that many people with Parkinson's live full lives. It's easily forgotten amidst all this terrible news.

In the kindergarten class I visited with my baby, they changed the lyrics so it wasn't scary. This was disappointing.

I would read that to my daughter when she wouldn't sleep. And sing profane lullabies. Hey, it worked and I calmed down.

All I had to say after watching this movie was "Zach Braff, you are so fucking precious about yourself."

Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but doesn't Parkinsons also lead to increased depression? Talk about a double whammy.