
Don't worry, he still had time to meet with the Future Farmers of America (a worthy group under other circumstances).

Still not there in Canada but glad it's coming up in the US.

What came up in Canada was a hashtag for the movie Let's Be Cops. Really? Anyways, I'm finding Twitter, as it was with the Wendy Davis fillibuster, to be the best source (when critical reading skills are applied).

I've been following the #ferguson feed on Twitter but I am shocked that it's not trending. Some tweets are claiming that it's been blocked on FB. Does anyone have any reliable info on this?

Were your tickets to the MO gun show revoked? That lady is in great shape. And even if she weren't, it'd be none of your business.

On the article on subsidized pads and tampons, someone pointed out that when trying to save money by not changing diapers as often, the result is crankier babies (due to rash, etc.) and more stressed out parents. This is an awesome idea. And as a side note, some food banks take diapers. Just ask if they do and what

Platinum Blonde!

When I was about 5 months pregnant the group that puts up massive displays of bloody fetuses was on my campus located in a place that I was forced to walk through to get to my department. I was pretty taken aback by the images and felt very shaken, but what I wanted to do more than anything was walk up to those

On an odd note, last night while I was out running with my dog, a dude chased after me for half a block shouting "Your dog is so pretty!" It was bizarre. Thank heavens I was close to home.

Just look at the helpful pictures of the sticks arranged in different shapes. Inspirational!

How many people have had to do this? When hiding in a store is a necessary part of getting down the street, something is messed up.

In all fairness, I have never met 2 people in a relationship who could manage to agree on temperature.

On occasion, my husband is very guilty of this and I can't stand it. "I'm chilly." "It's not that cold." Seriously? You have no skin in this game!

I think that sometimes you can sense how a compliment is made, i.e. that it is genuinely felt and made in passing vs. I've been following you around this store because you must know my opinion on your appearance. I've been on the receiving end of both and can usually tell the difference. But regardless, no one is

The same thing happens to my niece, who is quite tall, all the time. Like since she was 10 I've seen men gawking at her. She seems a bit oblivious to it, but I just worry about the burden that kind of behaviour puts on such a young kid. It didn't start for me until I was about 15 or so and even then it was very

As I said on the diaper change at the dinner table story yesterday, I draw the line at dealing with a stranger's poop. Literally keep that shit to yourself (or at least other consenting adults).

May I share one of my 3 Latin jokes?

I suspect they're not thinking at all.

The West Coast is full of these kind of dumb shenanigans. Devil's Punch Bowl in Oregon empties and fills with the tide and everytime I've been there are people down there despite the warning signs. And they always have babies with them!!!

Last summer we stopped at Crater Lake with our 6 week-old (so I was still in bubble-wrap the baby mode). We had to leave one viewpoint (hundreds of feet above the lake) because another couple kept holding their 6 month-ish baby out and over the railing to get pictures. Even thinking about it now gives me the shivers.