
The way they try to sneak this shit into the curriculum/cultural conversation like it's totally innocuous. I was just at my (small -population 3000) hometown's parade and there was a car from the local "pregnancy crisis centre" all decorated with balloons and driven by two sweet-looking grey-haired ladies. Not okay,

I don't think that much enforcement goes into it at all. It seems that parental discretion is generally respected.

1o is the legal home-alone age here. It sounds like she was checking in with her mom too. This is why kids (and apparently adults) have no problem-solving skills anymore!

A well-known art historian who shall remain nameless once gave a presentation on nude statues of Aphrodite. Showing a slide of a crouching figure, he pointed to the rolls on the stomach and claimed that they were evidence of how the nudes became "earthier" (i.e. heavier) over time. Actually, that is just what naked

This kind of stuff really worries me about my daughter's future school career. As a university instructor, I have a flexible schedule, so I can do a lot of these things, but I'd prefer my husband to be there too and I recognize that I can do this because I have the privilege to do so. So even if you can do this

This was my question. I feel like there's no way that arrangement wasn't exploitative. That said, Lady, you need to move on.

I love the last bit you wrote about them (mother and baby) competing together. Although I was nowhere near as physically active at this point in my pregnancy, I did defend my dissertation at 36 weeks and I felt like my daughter and I were a badass team together. Being that pregnant gave me more focus than I've ever

Doesn't she have a history of being abusive/being abused? It seems like there's a very troubling pattern with her.

It certainly betrays the fact that he doesn't know what he's talking about AT ALL.

Can not agree more.

Well great. Now I need to get another dog because duck tolling retrievers are bloody adorable.

You're absolutely correct. Microaggressions are so much harder to call out and many people who don't consider themselves bigots still commit them. And you're also right to point out the intersections between racism and homo phobia and transphobia. Basically, I feel as though we're moving in the right direction as a

Also known as Game of Bones in our household. We are constantly perfecting the casting and trying to work in our own dog (a bichon). For example: House Lannister are golden retrievers (except Tyrion who is a pug!).

That sucks! But I love that you refer to your partner as the Cardinal. Made my day!

I truly hope so. I wonder if our generation's (I'm in my mid-30s) racism is this generation's homophobia. What I mean by this is that we were exposed to a lot of anti-racism education/pop culture so that racism is not openly acceptable in many (though, sadly, not enough) circles. As Kat notes, though, there is still a

Agreed. I was just thinking about how she was on a Rihanna-like trajectory with her career (although a better actress than RiRi).

I think the packaging was the concern. But, 11 years later, he's fine.

My sister did something similar. In Japan. With the entire town council of her new hometown taking her for a fancy welcome meal.

My husband boiled one with his udon noodles and ate the noodles but not the package. He claimed he had a headache and had to miss our Japanese class. The teacher was all: "I ate two of those accidentally while I was pregnant. Your husband should quit whining and show up." (I loved Okamoto-sensei so much.)

This is why my dog has stayed in more hotels than most people have. We do board him about once a year at a home (the woman was one of Air Bud's trainers!), but finding her was the end of a very long search.