Having just watched a bald eagle circle and circle my bichon yesterday, I can't say that I appreciate your dad's joke. (But it's very dad-ish humour!)
Having just watched a bald eagle circle and circle my bichon yesterday, I can't say that I appreciate your dad's joke. (But it's very dad-ish humour!)
What will all the cool moms wear? (Not the regular moms, the COOL moms.)
And that set must be charisma central. Even the bit players are magnetic.
It was clear that she was avoiding any significant comments. And I agree; that really is for the best.
Did anyone see The View yesterday? When they were talking about the whooping cough outbreak in California with an actual doctor? Who was sitting right beside her? They awkwardly avoided discussing McCarthy's effect on vaccine use, but she didn't jump in with any anti-vaxx stuff. It was just weird.
I often think that if I were in a position to hire domestic staff, I'd go for housecleaners/maybe a chef now and again to facilitate better quality time with my daughter. That said, I'm okay with handing her off to a babysitter every so often!
I hope you enjoy your sanctimony.
Ask your parents how many near misses they had with you, especially when you were a toddler. There's a non-existent line between good and bad parents when it comes to this kind of stuff.
Nothing original to add here but so many wishes for strength and peace for the parents. (And mercy from those who are quick to judge and condemn.)
My father-in-law is the same way. And yet mistrusts his in-the-flesh doctors automatically.
Seriously. I'd love to hear what her expectations of appropriate music for a Chinese restaurant should sound like. My guess: "Asian".
Have you seen his show lately? Fun-house is exactly how I'd describe it. He uses all these colourful, oversized props, no segment is longer than a minute or two, and he dumbs things down egregiously. I can't stand it. And my father-in-law quotes Dr. Oz (and follows his suggestions) religiously.
Something similar is going on in the Vancouver area, where local school districts are introducing trans-friendly policies like allowing children to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as and not requiring school counsellors to report to parents if a child comes out to them as trans. Those against this are…
I did once tell my class that before the exam they should "stop by and take advantage of me." (That is, my presence in my office in order to help them study.)
Oh my God - the dude who came in off the street to ask me if I had freckles "down there too". I felt really safe waiting for the bus that night...
I feel like in this decade a great deal of the clothing is purposefully unflattering or just structured in a non-intuitive way. When it looks good it's very attractive in a cerebral way, but in general it is so aesthetically frustrating to me and requires a lifestyle with little need for functional clothing.
Seriously. I always wonder how the hoverers would use the toilet seat if they didn't hover. Do they know which part to apply to the seat? Because if you use it correctly, it's not a problem.
How does the pay work out? Is the dairy company paying for the milk they receive or paying the reduced wage? Either way, it seems to me that they then have some investment in having prisoners provide a service/product for cheaper than it would cost from non-incarcerated workers. I can see the benefits of the…
I think there is a pretty complex set of reasons for a woman to send an e-mail like that, but none of them really make it seem okay to me.
People names for dogs! The BEST!