
So wait, it tracks people's influence on facebook, linked in and the twitterverse? I dont know if I would call that influence (didnt they just post an article about how hollow/mindless all of that parroting is?). I bet they dont even have someone like Warren Buffet on the radar.

Steve Jobs himself believes that imitation is valid. Also, it "kind of looks like" the ipad. If you look at the software they are NOTHING ALIKE so its basically getting an injunction for a "thin tablet with a white/grey back and touch screen front."

He is doing what is referred to speaking the truth. We have been modifying crops even back when we thought leeches were good for curing fevers. Hybridization and splicing is pretty damned common. Pretty much any named crop, cavendish, etc were named because someone conjured it up. You like wine? Damned near every

I actually get this a lot too, I get accused of being aloof until they realize that I've dealt with it. I think some people think you should get emotional about something out of respect for them.

Some of them though should get feedback through the stick, even beyond the instrument warnings. There is a vibrator in the stick.

The ones that make me thing, "that has to suck" are the ones where there is some airborne mech failure and the pilots are quite aware how futile their situation is. The idea of knowing for minutes how your life will end has gotta suck.

So I did, went through a lot of them. I probably shouldnt because I travel for business and usually log about 120k miles annually. Oddly enough, didnt really bother me. Actually, the only thought left was how cold the eastern European and Russian pilots are. They are all like, "Well shit, I guess I am outta this

I rocked a .338 for paper punching and it was a great cartridge. Ive always been a fan of it while the bigger brothers got all of the fanfare.

This is, realistically, the only situation I would want it; when you have a desk with power strips above it. Otherwise everyone elses concerns are valid, you'd have this thing always in an awkward spot. The reason they give us cords is because they know our plugs are rarely where we want the phone.

Yeah it seems like everything is deemed hacking, a bug or a virus anymore. I guess because its easy for media and most people dont realize that bringing down a website /= hacking the Gibson, getting someone to enter in their social /= a virus and cheating at a game has nothing to do with hacking a phone.

Love it, the future is arriving. This is what sci-fi writers thought we would be using by now, only everywhere.

Well, they do attack companies with a patent portfolio and what are they protecting? A product that doesnt exist and they dont even describe a way to actually make it exist. Its just a very vague patent using headphones to charge.

I never bought into the glandular problem either. Sure, its makes it EASIER to be obese but your body is still a machine. It can only do its thing with what you give it. If you stop feeding it 4,000 calories a day and it cant become 400lbs

Its really just patent trolling, so if someone comes up with a better method apple can sue them for having a vague patent similar to it.

Ive always wondered how hard it is to be a writer for Giz and its becoming quite obvious. I should apply at the next opening. Im pretty sure I could fill two to three pages a day of random crap I find on the internet and then just whip up some sensational paragraph to get clicks.

If you actually read through it and researched instead of just going off what some moron writing a crappy tech blog tells you then youd see that those things are not only common, but tested safe by the FDA and in many of the food items you eat.

$5000, the contest was held in the US.

Pass. That head is massive, meaning its going to run into space issues on most nuts/bolts you encounter and those "one size fits all" sockets are more likely to strip heads than a traditional 6 pointer.

Ive pretty much given up on that app store. Most of the apps are ancient compared to the android market and, like posted on the apparatus link, there isnt any compatibility taken into account. Its nice when I search on the android market it will tell me what apps I can install on what devices.

They keep telling the us the rest of the world all runs on light and magic and we are using the equivalent of dial-up.