
I thought it was incredibly fun. Some of the best fight scenes in the MCU. Strong actors who elevate the okay script. Disagree that Shang-Chi doesn’t have much charisma. Disagree that the tone is inconsistent. It’s not flawless (as with most Marvel movies since, oh, 2014 or so, the last half of the third act is a

Andy Dick though can go fuck himself.

Now playing

Ska doesn’t need to be rehabbed, it’s never stopped being awesome.

as much as I loved this scene--and I remember howling with laughter when I first saw it, and giggle every other time since then--the part that makes me laugh more went unanswered--did he actually serve it to everyone without telling them he used a manila folder to scoop it off the floor and back into the pot?  I can’t

Counter point: Rogue One is the best Star Wars film since the original trilogy.

I know it’s derivative, but I enjoyed ‘The Force Awakens’, and I’m one of those people who liked ‘The Last Jedi’ a whole lot. But ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ will go down as one of the all-time cinematic bed-shittings in history.


The avocado. It was the focal point of so many cultural flash points - generational antipathy against millennials, panics about shortages potentially caused by deportations ad tariffs, using peas as a substitute in guacamole, just to name a few. 

I see this point for sure, but it seems like it all comes down to “occasions.” At a baseball game or on a summer fishing trip, yeah, I want to drink four or five beers over the course of the day. Light beers in that case taste refreshing and cold. At home watching a movie on a Friday night, I’m more likely to drink

lots of butter, low heat, enough but not *too* much cheese -- and patience. if the heat is too high the outside will get brown without the cheese getting melted. you can also cover it for a minute to help the cheese melt, but you don’t want the bread to steam.

Last year my wife surprised me with a day trip to Austin for my birthday. You probably could have hear my eyes rolling when we got in the back of a long line at Franklin’s. Two hours later and I understood what all the fuss was. Best brisket I’ve ever had. (told her I’d do it again in a heartbeat)

As someone who works in the industry, the backlash on the street level in outside markets is intense. I have gained several new draft accounts from folks pulling Founders off their draft lines and I am based in the Southeast. The only thing I could compare it to what happened with Melvin on the west coast, but that

Structural racism?

Austin has such great lager breweries—a town would be lucky just to have either Live Oak or ABGB! You’re spoiled.

Barry Sanders and Walter Payton were my two.

“Your product makes light of the suffering our people endured at the hands of the government.” Pretty reasonable take, honestly.

There seems to be a bit of variation from batch to batch, which isn’t what you’d expect from a major brewer. Sometimes it’s very smooth and caramel forward, and sometimes it tastes like the bottom of a coffee pot.

After having heard ravings about Shiner Bock for years, when it did finally reach the PNW, I figured I should try it.

A little more color on the subject. Traditionally, especially at breweries but also at home and in the whole gasthaus thing, Kellerbier and Zwickelbier (which are nearly identical). Are the local brew pulled from the fermentor after primary fermentation is finished. But before the long conditioning is complete. So