

and objects found on archaeological sites were created bu humans too, probably someone even went that far and “designed” them...I have a diploma in history so I can relate to the guy, all cultures were created by man, so if someone invents a culture for a video game/novel/movie in a way that is also the outcome of

Many of these games reflect not just the culture of what exists within the game - but more importantly they reflect the culture of those who PLAY the game.

I feel like a bunch of people are just saying...’PFFFT, this isn’t archaeology!’. Even if you don’t think it is, it’s still pretty interesting to think about fictional worlds in this way I think.

Of which there will be, Humans are skilled at finding patterns even when none exist. So as a result, true randomness when generating content is entirely pointless. You’re better off creating a pseudo-random generator with some guidelines. It’s half the work and gives you more control so users won’t end up running into

Well culture is a human creation, it be in a virtual space or real world, it’s really not insane.

“I make it a point to not argue opinions.”

Wow. You must have read a different book than I did. 80’s references that didn’t add to the story? The whole book was an Easter egg hunt through 80’s trivia. Besides the plot, 80’s references shaped the characters in the book, as they grew up obsessed. Poorly constructed world? Cline made at least two worlds - the

He had two, but after RPO he created his own RPO-style contest and the grand prize was his second DeLorean. :)

Agreed 100% - I met him at Star Wars Celebration VI and he was a super nice guy and was all for talking to anyone about the movie Fanboys and the Wars in general.

It’s just the oversaturation effect. He writes pretty good stories, but now a bunch of media and Hollywood bros have decided he is the next “geek is cool” cash cow. Like what happened to comic con and the whole premise behind the creation of big bang theory. I don’t think the reaction has so much to do with him as the

Yes, one of my main areas of research is bioarchaeology of historic and prehistoric groups. I am particularly interested in the impact of warfare on community health. That is, if a group shows skeletal signs of warfare (dismemberment, weapon injuries, etc.), what impact does that have on where the community lived (did

Hello Dr. Steadman, thanks for taking the time. Two questions, if you please:

1. I read an article from last month about a new method of determining time of death that some researchers at the University of Salzburg have apparently studied in pigs - a method that, if it holds true in humans, could extend the window of

How many insect species are found at a typical body farm? How do the staff control the insect populations there so as the different species don’t influence the rate of decomposition either way?

“With Disney at the controls, Star Wars doesn’t seem to be for a 30 or 40-year-old fans anymore, if it ever was. More than ever, Star Wars is for 10-year-olds who can grow with it. Who can ask their parents to buy the toys, games, books and take trips to the theme parks. “

If one person is making decisions about his or her relationships based on this sort of criteria, then the other party should flee screaming. Breaking off what might otherwise be a successful and fullfilling relationship with another human because they don’t like the same movies as you is beyond ridiculous. Pop culture

My old gaming systems. My brother once sold OUR NES without asking (including all of MY games) and it broke my heart. So far I’ve saved my dad’s old Intelivision, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, GBA, GBASP, DS, Game Cube, Wii, 360, and PS3.

It’s a collection that started before I was born and continues

BOOKS - remember these??

Texas takes a massive slice of the Big XII revenue pie? Are you sure? I’m not saying you’re wrong because you very well could be correct. But I had thought that the way UT was getting its preferential treatment was that by retaining their third-tier rights they got to keep all the money from their vaunted Longhorn

I’m glad to hear somebody say Ancillary Sword is worth a try. I loved Ancillary Justice, but for some reason I’m nervous to try the sequel.