
There is a really sad Pixar movie in your statement hiding.

its cool to live in an era where dna can tell us such an intricate tale.

All that for serving up & eating his kids! Who, as I recall, had been talking during the movie.

I’ll take a Yuengling over either of these any day. I know it was on your shitty beer list, but it’s a far better lager than Sam Adams.

Both of these brewers make better side-label beers than their main label.

It’s important to remember that doctors aren’t trained as scientists, but rather technical experts on the human body. Some are good scientists, most are probably not. It’s a different discipline.

Oh God. I have a voicemail?

lol, like if someone made a pumpkin beer that actually tasted like pumpkin, as opposed to the “various spices associated with pumpkin pie.”

Great “non-clickbait” title, Thanks.
Very good article, Thanks.

(I was really dreading the “Everything you know about Pluto is wrong!” title I figure someone would use.)

I was in a McDonald’s the week the Teeny Beanies (or whatever) were included in Happy Meals. Watched a father and teenage son RUN into the restaurant, order five Happy Meals each (the limit), pull out the Teeny Beanies, slam ALL the food into the trash, and RUN out babbling about which McD’s to hit next. Just for the

That’s true, but I’ve definitely gotten the impression that their collections weren’t supposed to just end up as discarded chachkies either. Just kind of like how people can collect their Franklin mint collectors plates as a hobby, but still kind of expect them not to be largely worthless.

Ebay killed a lot of collectables beyond just toys too. Everyone’s grandma used to collect those Hummel figures, you know the ones of the little kids being cute? But while they were sold on the idea of being valuable one day, only a small portion of them were actually rare, and people collected without an easy way of

That’s my biggest pet peeve—when you see a listing for a hot new toy with a photo the seller took IN THEIR CAR, IN THE STORE PARKING LOT.

Selling on Ebay within a week? You naive fool. Selling on ebay as soon as they can get to the internet.

The best way to have a collectible go up in value is to figure out what to collect that (a) no one else is collecting and (b) will develop a market in 15-20 years. Since that’s basically impossible, the whole notion of collecting as an investment falls immediately apart.

Yep. And the first thing my kids do when we buy them one for less than $.50 is to rip the tags off. Somewhere, a former collector begins to weep and doesn’t know why.

Worse there are Beanie babies that came in Happy Meals. So you can literally find both in one item.

You don’t deserve to drink beer.

Thank you for giving me the words to explain why I generally don’t like session IPAs. While I’ll try not to be the asshole who lectures anyone on their inferirority, it does help to have the words to explain why I always think they seem to taste like watered-down versions of good beer.