
*thumbs up* I would have hoped so, but it’s good to know.

I’m not sure how much evidence there is for domesticated felines in the pre-contact Americas period.

So how many other dog burial bones do we have from that site, or other sites, and are those being reexamined to figure out if there are more bobcat bones that were misclassified as dog?

Disdain for Bruce is based purely on ignorance 95% of the time.

No, you don’t get 2112. it’s about the primacy of the individual, and if you will just wait as I draw breath for the next 90 seconds, I can explain that in an uninterrupted 45-minute monologue.

Yes! I am seeing them twice next month with MTX and Screeching Weasel. It’s the closest thing I have to a time machine.

My maternal grandfather, age 12, with his parents and younger sister at the Baltic Sea resort of Ahlbeck, in July 1906. (I posted a couple of photos of him in his German WWI uniform in the Father’s Day photo thread. His sister Lucie was murdered in the Holocaust together with her husband and two children.) I wonder

My routine usually involves ~3 craft brews that generally have a bit higher alcohol followed by as many PBR/Yuengling/whatever’s as the night calls for (or bourbon or wine or oftentimes all of the above). My motivation is largely financial, but switching to cheap macros generally improves the morning after as well. If

Some dude putting peas in his guac is one thing. The Paper of Upper-Crust White Record located in a town that craves Western authenticity publishing a guac recipe with English peas and fucking sunflower seeds is just begging for hate.

I think you MIGHT be able to get the Blue Pants in package. Hit up Hop City - best beer store HANDS DOWN in Birmingham. They also have growlers.

A few of the other breweries have been churning them out; not as good as Red Bud but they’re there. I’ve been seeing the Real Ale Gose around but haven’t tried it, had the Boiler Room last night and it’s not bad

I’ve been hoping they’ll start sending that around the state more. Was at Indy two weeks ago and it was fantastic.

I second the Destihl recommendation, that whole series is great. Actually just made a post of my own before I saw yours here.

If you see these near you get them! Both are readily available in the Chicagoland area.

Just did a tasting of Berliner Weisses this past weekend and must say the Doghead Festina Peche was fantastic. Just tart and sweet enough, much better than the Evil Twin Nomader Weisse that was like a lemonhead on steroids.

Now why on earth would they force you to eat a salad? If I wanted to eat vegetation, I would have been born a giraffe.

No desert? Have you never been to the western half of Texas?

There's no desert?! Huh.

lol, I just wrote almost the same thing. Mythology geeks ftw