
Yeah, I had to look that one up because I was sure it was Sisyphus. Kind of a big error to make, and to not be corrected several hours after this comment.

And also why impossible tasks are described as Sisyphean

Can we get a Fernet-Branca vs. Jeppson’s Malört smackdown?

It’s never the gun that killed people that matters, it’s the gun the dead ones didn’t have.

I’m sold. I’ll take my daughter to it tomorrow!

I occasionally order an IPA because they score highly on my own personal beer ranking system. Then I remember that I do not like the taste of IPAs. My personal beer ranking system is a mathematical formula that goes as follows:

Zon has really never done it for me. Of course, given our usernames I guess we are destined to disagree.

Saying it “doesn’t suck” is an understatement. It’s great.

Lotsa wheat beer in KC, since the first beer Boulevard really broke into the market with twenty years ago was their wheat. Indeed, anywhere within a hundred miles of KC, if you walk into a bar and say, “I want a Wheat,” you will be given a Boulevard Wheat, no questions asked. It’s not a great beer—a little too sweet,

“Little Sumpin Sumpin” is the absolute gold standard in “FUCK IT, JUST NAME IT WHATEVER” cutesy craft beer titling.

I have never tipped a hotel mail. I am a habitual over-tipper with just about everything else, but don’t leave a tip when I check out of a hotel. That said, whenever I stay in a hotel I put the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and leave it for the entirety of my stay, and generally go to the front desk for anything I

I have nothing against a good IPA, but it does suck to go to your local bar or growler place in the summer and not find a single good hefeweisen when there are 14 different IPAs on tap.

When I was little wrestling was sacred in my house. Saturday morning and Saturday nights were dedicated to NWA Worldwide and NWA World Championship Wrestling. Hulk Hogan was little more than a cartoon character to me. Some guy those Yankees watched. But this...this was RASSLIN. And no one personified rasslin more than

For those of us who grew up on Jim Crockett Promotions this is a sad day. I always think back to people laughing at that clip of the wrestling fan crying and saying "Dammit it's still real to me." All those who laughed at that guy I felt like saying "Go fuck yourselves" a lot of us felt that way. Growing up in NY I


Son of a plumber from east Austin, Texas, baby! Stardust! The tower of power, too sweet to be sour.

That’s awesome! After I saw the trailer I sat down and read the book yesterday. It was amazing and I’m looking forward to the movie very much. For those who said that the trailer gives away the whole story, I disagree completely. Even if they cut out a lot of stuff from the book there’s still plenty of things not in

In a broad context, nothing. But to travel to the Netherlands and Germany in one week and beat them both on their home turf? Excuse me for a second while I karate kick a Budweiser can and shave a bald eagle into my chest hair.

My grandfather has been drinking Hamm’s forever. He always has some in his fridge, although he doesn’t drink much (he’s not exactly in great physical condition). So when I trek across the country to Minnesota to visit family, I know I’ll have some waiting for me and I’ll enjoy having it for the first time in a year.