
Don’t forget the line about how the victim “took the title of NWA’s biggest hit literally.”

As someone who actually had a good time seeing Menace and Sith in the theaters, I found Attack of the Clones to be incredibly dull and listless at the time of its release. Today there’s a lot of stuff I still like about the first and third prequels, like the overall Flash Gordon/’30s sci-fi vibe of Episode I and the Lo

I think this is exactly why Attack of the Clones is considered worse than Phantom Menace. Phantom Menace is almost adorable in its badness. The mistakes are more bone-headed and obvious. The CGI isn’t even terribly obtrusive besides Jar-Jar (the original Yoda puppet was horrible, though). The Darth Maul fight might

I think AotC is the worst of the prequels. It was unwatchable when I tried to go back and view it again, and it was mostly for the reasons you outline.

Where’s the cat? Where’s the cradle?

The haters are still demanding a Nolan-like Gotham or one that is full Adam West camp. This show is really neither. It’s its own creature. Some people can’t accept that.

Let’s be fair here. I studied archaeology in school and have worked on several digs, so I am coming from a place of some knowledge. And I’m afraid that I have to agree that having an all-female team *had* to have been a publicity stunt of some sort, and does in fact lead to some questions about the validity of their

I love the Ewoks. Judge me. I don’t care.

Somewhere, I’ve got that t-shirt…

“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”

1) In the US, generally fossils (even if discovered below the surface of your property) are treated as part of your surface property. So if you own the land above the fossil, you own the fossil.

you’d think he could cordon off a relatively small area of his field, though , if he really cared about the scientific value of the find. As it is, you can safely bet that a lot of meaningful data is now lost due to rushing the excavation process (these kind of things routinely takes weeks or months when there aren’t

mack brown shit the bed in recruiting the last few years he was at UT, so now the seniors/juniors, who should be the core of his team, are average to below average. There’s some promise in the freshman/sophomore classes, but it’s too much to expect a team to be led by the kids.

So my take is that you are not the right person to review this show.

The daughter wasn’t cutting herself; she was taking the drawing her dead-boyfriend made on her arm and making it permanent via self-tattoo.

Tim, you owe it to explain that Freeman actually did injure his shoulder making the hit on the previous play. It was the exact reason he took so long getting off the field.

Hmm, it seems like his shoulder really was bothering him, but he waited too long to try to get off. You can see him point to it as he’s starting to run, so rather than leaving the D one man short, or incurring an offside penalty, his coaches told him to go down.