
You mean they were grave robbers and treasure hunters and didn’t do actual archaeology? Or that they spent a lot of time punching Nazis?

I love my Death’s Head figure. Though the tiny shield only holds 2 weapons. I ‘m working on fixing it. Remade the shield, added extra weapon holes and made some extra weapons for him. I’ll be running them in the 3d printer today...

I am working in some woodcuts for my next printmaking exhibition. This one is the latest: Pecado, inspired by the allegory of Sin in John Milton’s Paradise Lost.

Austinites unite!

Have you tried the Revolver Blood and Honey? So good. This one is good too.

This beer is fucking delicious. Also highly recommend Shiner’s Christmas Cheer. If I remember correctly it’s made with Texas peaches and pecans. It’s awesome. All their beers are light and delicious. And I can drink several without getting full.

This is the next book I’m reading to the kids for storytime if I can get this. Please fix the daemon. Tks!

I want a Star Wars movie from the perspective of a young, bright eyed new Imperial recruit. A pilot, a storm trooper, a junior officer, whatever. I'd like to see someone who believes they are doing good and serving on the proper side. I want to see the propaganda and fanfare that keeps people signing up.

I'm shocked that a sporting event in South Korea was marred by corrupt officiating.

So much history destroyed. Amazing how it survives that long, then is destroyed in a few hours by a bunch of ignorant people.

There’s another problem in the text. It says the find was radiocarbon dated, but radiocarbon dating is only good for organic materials back to 50,000 years ago. They likely used Potassium Argon dating of associated strata to derive those dates.

She asked for obsolete. There’s still plenty of uses for pen and paper.

Two Buck Chuck, meet Two-Buck-A-Drain ‘Swain.

That would be awesome - anyone know if is available?

Sounds like she sets up a straw man for what people mean when they say “natural” and “unprocessed.” For example, I’d say this is natural and unprocessed:

I gave up on #9 back in 2008 or so, when I realized that every time I drank a bottle, I not only wasn’t enjoying it, I was actively disliking it. It’s thin and kind of tasteless, and the little hint of lemon at the end doesn’t mask an unpleasant sort of bitterness (and I’m not anti-bitter — I’m a fan of many beers in

Fat Tire is one beer I do not get. Maybe I just don't like ambers, but I love nearly everything else in New Belgium's lineup.

Totally with you on this. I didn’t taste any fruit, just mediocrity.

it's supposed to be a fruit beer?

I’m an archaeologist too, in the UK. No, I don’t know the monetary value of anything I find because none of it gets sold; I rarely use a little brush to excavate anything because a) it takes too long; use a bigger tool more suited to the work and b) it’s the UK, it’s too wet for sodding brushes 360 out of 365 days of