
I work on plant genomics, therefore I must be inserting frog DNA into tomatoes and making self-destructing soybeans.

Commenting on a book you haven’t read with a post that establishes - conclusively - that you haven’t read the book, scores zero points with most people on this site.

I’m guessing you didn’t read the book. His suit monitor is damaged and his crew think he’s died when they’re forced to evacuate.

The Martian was the best book I read in 2014, which is saying something because I go through about seventy books or more a year. It was fantastic and I can not sing it’s praises loud enough.

As someone who has indeed lived in Indianapolis, no one there eats lemon rice soup. I literally never heard one mention of it while I was there for 6 years and I frequented Asian restaurants. I call shananigans on this whole map. Everyone knows the official WTF Indiana food is Fried Pork Tenderloin sandwiches where

The number of ‘sites’ they’ve destroyed is a magnitude smaller than the number of people they’ve murdered and subjugated.

I thought the move was to drink 2 of the good beers and downshift to the cheap shit after that. Your palate is compromised anyway. Might as well just chill on the fancy beer.

Ha, I love my badges as much as the next guy, and I hunt them when I’m drinking at home. But I drink at bars a lot, and I feel like a tool whippin’ out the phone all the time.

I have not reviewed Pinkus, and I don’t think I’ve ever tried it. I’m with you on pilsners all the way around, I think (and definitely agree that hops are like the beer version of bacon or hot sauce, something that can be great but too often used as a band-aid). So I’ll try Pinkus next time I see it and have some

Archeology doesn’t ‘change its mind’ like a Washington politician.

An odder, crow or chimpanzee will use stones and sticks as tools, but they will not alter, modify or make the tools. Not all Chimpanzees will even brake a stick that is slightly too long to be used to dig out ants from an ant hill. They will just cope with what they have.

This also predates the Homo genus, as notes in the article, including the precursors to Homo Sapiens. Basically fairly advanced apes.

According to the linked article it wasn’t the rocks themselves they dated, but the sediments and stratified deposits they were found in. That allowed them to date the era when the rocks were shaped and used. They have to be older than the deposits above them, younger than the deposits below them. That gives you a

This is the part I love about science:

I’m not here much because I only follow football, but the DS writers are generally very good. They and i09 are the best of Gawker Media by a longshot, in my opinion.

I live in Oklahoma and Lost Lake Ice is not an Oklahoma beer so don’t blame us for that one! We’ve got some good local breweries doing some good things around here these days and then we’ve got a few others that...aren’t...but whoever makes Lost Lake Ice isn’t one of them

Step 1: Don’t take Walks. Unless the pitches are truly awful, do *not* take Walks.

The Modelos are fine quaffable brews to wash down Mexican fare. And I luvs me some Mexican fare. In fact, I don’t want a big, rich, complex beer to get between me and my Mexican fare.

Not to mention Bohemia. Even for Will, this is a completely half-assed post.