
Yeah, I'm really thinking viral promotion. The professionally made matching t-shirts, wacky slogans, apparent focus on robotics and heavy media attention for a group that seems to exist only for this one SXSW appearance tends to indicate that to me. If they were concerned about the effects of automation (which is

I believe you are confusing "trunk" and "truck". To my knowledge, there were no plans to segregate the basic highway infrastructure....only to delineate a hierarchy: Main, Trunk, Local

TED talks! I'm not the only one who hates TED talks, am I?

I didn't get to this in my rant, but often stories that celebrate rule-breakers do so by making up incredibly stupid rules for them to break.

"Golly, should we rebel against a system that kills children as entertainment? I wonder."

greetings from a fellow alum!


Train kids are usually some of the worst people. From personal experience they are extremely violent/verbally abusive (when you won't buy some expensive meals after they harass you), steal from hardworking individuals, spread scabies, and several subject dogs to a harsh, unnutured life. Most, not all, do not come from

A pure distillation of form from function.

A book.

I've been pretty loyal to Gotham, but the whole "spoon thing" makes me question why I've been watching, whether I'll be watching again. When a show starts doings stunts, ramping things up for no reason except a one-time dramatic effect — yes, Arthur Fonzarelli, I'm talking to you — it serves to remind that I do have

My favorite American Tree! (What, doesn't everybody have one?)

Sounds about as useful, and less greedy than most royalty.

Fast zombies you cannot escape from, so they lose any general fear you might have of them. Sure, you'll be afraid as they come to eat your face, but it's all over relatively quickly. There is no hope of getting away for even a day, let alone a chance of escape, so there is less anxiety and more depression. If a

Reminds me of govt. studies about how to warn people away from nuclear waste dumps in 10,000 years. Creating superstition/religion was one of the suggestions.