
Oooooh I’ve had The Martian on my wishlist for a while and this comment just pushed me over the edge. I just bought along with Wool!

This week is National Park Week! From April 18—26, parks across the U.S. will be celebrating with walks, movies, talks, and tours, which you can find by searching the National Park Week Event Calendar. You can also click here to find the park nearest you.

I have seen the future and it is...

Abita is fun to shit on, and I get it, they're an older, bigger brewery, so folks give them a ton of shit. But in the last few years, they've started to experiment again, and have put out some very tasty beers. If you've not had some of their newer brands, I say give them a second shot.

people read the headline and opening paragraph and get the wrong idea

*Homo Sapien Sapien is the modern human.

For a moment I read: Ironic Pyramid of the sun.

Are you my daughter? She also hated the book. "Oh my god does this guy ever stop whining??"

If that's how you felt as a teenager, your adult self will hate it even more. The weird thing though, is that it's actually a well written book. It's just that the main character is such a turd that it makes the book just unreadable. I tried to like it, at least from a craft of writing approach... and it really is

Anne Rice's vampire novels had a shelf-life of only about three years for me. I thought they were AMAZING in High School (I even gave a line from 'Queen of the Damned' for my yearbook's senior quote - a fact that will mortify me for the rest of my life). But I tried to read them again just a few years later when I was

Agreed. I despised every aspect of this book.

I hated it so much I never even finished it.

Allow me, if I could, to be the sole voice of defense for the ReAction line. I collect these guys. I've got about 40 of 'em right now, am a member of the Facebook fanpage for 'em, and — yeah, suffice to say I pretty much love them. A few words, if I may:

I wonder if #Gonzales #ever #gets #tired of #talking #about #Suicide Squad.

"Encourage a social atmosphere."

How Did This Arabic-Inscribed Ring End Up In A 9th-Century Viking Grave?

I too love the Redbird in the summertime.

+1 for loving Ruby Redbird.