Arcanum Five
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It’s probably a good thing Fauci’s not being forced to waste his time stroking Trumps ego.

For a moment of levity, this posting:

“Where’s my army of disposable monster-warriors? They should have come pouring out of the sky-vortex ten minutes ago!”

Just like with COVID-19, this is now a problem for the individual states to solve. He has, like every other time in his life passed the responsibility to others and will expect to receive full credit for any success. 

What is wrong with him? How does he fail so spectacularly at behaving like a person?

That man is such a unique blend of ineptitude, vanity, and utter stupidity. I’d laugh at that clip if said blend wasn’t so fucking hopeless and dangerous.

POS never served one day in the military. How disrespectful to use the men & women who are serving as a pawn for his political sick agenda👿

Turn on the sound.

When the world ends, the only currency will be Equilibrium DVDs! You’ll see! You’ll all see!

14 was too many, 12 too few.

Watched “The Vast of Night.” I don’t get the hype. I mean, I can appreciate how resourceful they were in making the film. There’s definitely ambition and attention to visuals and sound, but the storyline and acting were a distant second. Overall, I felt I was watching a decent X-Files episode inspired by Twilight

Congratulations on one of the most pointless (heh) articles I've read in a long time. How about instead of trying to get people to text without periods, we teach them to text WITH inflection?

And you people wonder why most don’t consider you real journalists.

This is a rerun of an article that suffered near universal derision the first time some Lifehacker “author” posted it. <== Period

Don’t pollute the Lifehacker site with things this jaw-droppingly pointless. Period.


I have full keyboard on my phone and I’m going to god damned use it. I don’t abbreviate and I don’t use “text speak.” If my use of correct punctuation hurts your feelings, I don’t know what to do for you. Also I’m old and have been an editor for almost 20 years. I will be dead soon and you can bury my CMOS with me. 

Seriously? When I finish a sentence, I use a period. I don’t give a flying frig what the internet twits think about using a period. If I’m done, I’m done and a period lets you know I’m done. I use to get some good information from lifehacker but now... meh.

This is terrible.

Just use proper punctuation. Seriously, it isn’t hard.