
Because it’s particularly detrimental to the health of her unborn child.

There wouldn’t be any charges to trump up if she didn’t give them an opportunity to by traveling with illegal substances, so I’m sorry, I still think this is mostly on her. Maybe I see it differently because I travel so often for work and because my family is spread out in different countries, so I’m very aware of

Totally agree on this. I also feel bad for her, and think being detained for any kind of cannabis or its derivatives is 100% unjust and wrong. But she TOTALLY should have known better. Complain all you want, but if you are no longer in the US, all bets are off. Such a ridiculously bad decision if she really did try to

I know this isn’t Deadspin, but how should the US react if Alexander Ovechkin was arrested?  Put him on a plane home because Russia demands that we send home their really good athlete?

I feel for her but I don’t think the situation would be much different if Russia hadn’t invaded Ukraine. Anyone traveling by air should know better than to bring illegal substances. Even if you’re traveling in the US domestically from one state where it’s legal to another state where it’s legal, technically because

Either he wants all his shit so he can destroy it himself and make sure no local cops skeak his shit out of the station and place it for sale on whatever far right social media site of the week, or he wants to sell it himself. I’d have more faith in him doing the right thing than any of the dipshit cops we have in

You realize that most of these schools aren’t paying these huge salaries, right? It’s usually booster or alumni associations that are carrying the bulk of the costs. Nick Saban at Alabama is a perfect example of that, the Alabama Boosters are paying the bulk of his salary, his base salary which is covered by the

Mt oldest son just Graduated debt free from a local state College. He started working and saving when he was a junior in HS, he worked two jobs and all through his summer breaks all through college. Why should his friends who just coasted on through school with loans, never working, get to have their debt paid off

Children? How are 18 year olds children? Old enough to vote, old enough to be sent off to war, old enough to smoke/drink in most countries, and old enough to have made a few big decisions already.  Might want to get out of your U.S. bubble every now and then.  They made the decision.  If they had parents, the parents

why stop with student debt? Why should I have to pay off my mortgage, my car loan, my credit card debt. I never went to college. I want my free money too!!

Also I think we have different definitions of the middle of middle class.

The average new vehicle price is $41,263. I’d guess that not lot of people with less than $7500 in tax liabilities is buying a brand new vehicle unless they live with their parents or are in the military and have Uncle Sugar covering rent, food, and healthcare.

It’s worth noting that to realize a $7500 tax credit, you have to be making a decent amount of money to begin with.

Where was congress during any of this, though?

There’s no dissonance if you come to terms with the fact that the writers don’t actually believe in anything they say and just use their supposed progressivism as an excuse to be horrible people to people they’ve arbitrarily decided they don’t like. (Compare this to the Reese Witherspoon article a couple days ago

The cognitive dissonance here is crazy. Capitalism is bad when Kristen Bell waives her tenants’ rent in the two residential buildings she owns because just being a landlord is inequitable. But if Rihanna amasses a ridiculous amount of personal wealth on par with many poorer nations’ GNP, it’s “You go, girl!”

That trash heap is actually from Middlesex County up north from Burlington County, where Mt. Laurel is.

The point of the lawsuit isn’t really to draft women; it’s to get rid of mandatory Selective Service registration altogether on the grounds that it’s discriminatory.

Ah, so you’re Sunni. Obama drone strike against Sunnis bad, but Biden drone on Shias good. Admit it, you got a boner when Donnie tore up the Iran deal. Where are you on Uyghurs btw? Assuming you don’t give a shit like most Sunnis?

I mean, I know he's week, but I doubt the kick from an AR-15 would even tingle. They aren't all that powerful and have decent recoil dampening.