
Millennial progressives are fucking ignorant as all hell and their schtick is past annoying and tired at this point.

unwashed clothes touching the “filthy” (read: black, for those passive racists out there!) belt,

I’ve never met a black man who hasn’t had the BBC conversation with a white women on a dating site or irl.

Oh come on, wishing death on someone?  That’s really gross.

Those are social programs close but not quite the same thing as socialism.

It is, I guess, a sign of empathy that you are now able to understand why Republicans supported Trump and Kavanaugh despite the allegations against them. I would argue that empathy is misplaced, but whatever. 

All of this was present before Trump, does the KKK ring a bell? Secondly the economy was it’s best in almost five decades, unemployment at historical lows and COVID-19 happened worldwide not just here, so sure 60k dead and counting is devastating and Trump is responsible for a good portion of that. But 100%

This is a political hit job...

Believe women (when it’s convenient)!

The only logical and consistent thing to do, being consistent with the moronic, bleating of leftist sheep, is to treat this situation exactly like Kavanaugh. Launch a vicious public campaign to force Biden to withdraw, and even if he wins, then we can have breathless, moronic takes on how we can impeach him.

For fuck’s sake at people saying “This woman isn’t perfect, so she could not have been assaulted.” News flash. Everyone can be assaulted. Even Putin supporters. How does that escape you?

The left now finds itself in a dilemma of it’s own making.  It could not be more fitting.

However, if you look at these politicians and celebrities that assault women, it’s not usually an isolated incident. I hate saying this, but it’s going to take more women coming out against Biden, for me to give it more credibility. I hate this so much.

#believewomenwhentheyaccusepeopleyouhatebutiftheyaccusesomeoneimportanttoyourcausetheyreprobablyliars would take up too many characters on twitter

I want to believe Tara Reade. I really do...

“Listen to women!”

I like how on the original article the vast majority of people jumping in to say, “Are you fucking kidding me with this flippant question? I’m out of work and/or have debts to pay. I can’t afford to spend this on anything but food and rent. Read the room,”

I like how on the original article the vast majority of people jumping in to say, “Are you fucking kidding me with

Eh it’s on Disney+. Hulu is definitely not doing this nor is their new witch show on Freeform. There’s no boobs or f bombs, but the last episode basically had an orgy.

If you are a boy, and you ‘transition’; you SHOULDN’T be able to compete athletically against girls. Boys are typically stronger than girls.
That SO many women think that’s okay, is some handmaiden b.s.
You can be good with someone claiming to ‘transition’ into another gender (even though that’s biologically impossible

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%