
What the hell is wrong with you?

That’s what I guessed. A-listers like Wilde are almost always surrounded by security either in gated communities at home or on sets - it was probably very difficult to figure out a time when she could realistically be expected to be available in public to be served. 

I am an attorney. You are correct. We hire process servers to do the job, and even the attorneys don’t choose where it happens. The process servers do. Jason had nothing to do with this, although it is nice he is taking responsibility anyway. I do have pity for both of them for both finding new loves within the UK,

Jezebel makes habit of forgetting what they said and going back to defend the female in any scenario.

Didn’t we already have this conversation (here — and wasn’t the general consensus among the commenters that Sudeikis almost certainly didn’t have anything to do with how she was served because process servers do whatever they need

You forgot the part where those 4500 tips are almost certainly ALL fraudulent. Use your brains. Congress told the FBI to setup the tip line and then it was, as is expected, immediately hammered by angry people opposed to Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Stop pretending this 4500 tips makes him the most prolific serial rapist

Absolutely laughable.

Where does it state that the tips were "highly relevant?" 

Removal of unviable products of conception IS NOT an abortion. This is why lay persons should stay out of medical discussions.

Then take your problems to the “human rights court”. We live in a nation of laws. Federal, and state. Roe was a federal decision that twisted logic into a pretzel. The democrats has almost 50 years to codify Roe as a federal law, but didn’t. Why? Because it’s their cash cow wedge issue they run on for decades. The

Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,

good, i thought she was an idiot

Actually women who support abortion usually just support abortion on demand as a form of birth control. They create these “special circumstances” arguments when they don’t want to be viewed as the monsters they are. Make no mistake, the people who support abortion are cold hearted.

This coming from the guy who thinks ‘defund the police’ should still be a thing despite the fact that it’s failed to gain any traction beyond the fringe left and city-dwelling elites and despite the fact that it’s probably helped the other side morer? But god forbid progressives budge on their ideological

Thomas is a great judge .

SCOTUS does not “serve the people” it serves the law. You have your branches of government confused. Go back to civics for a review.

I find it ironic how this site that has posted numerous articles about how terrible men are if they have preferences surrounding appearance has also posted numerous articles talking about big dick energy and tall energy, like that’s an actual thing outside of their own warped perception of male beauty standards. The

Shout out to all the fat bitches on Tinder ranting about body positivity while not swiping on any men under 6'3"!

It’s not very progressive to make light of men’s short statures. And Ben Shapiro deserves a lot of shit for everything he says or does but not his height. The captions are incredibly silly and demeaning.

I’ve seen a lot of people say “They’re both horrible people.” and I don’t really get it. Things so far really seem like Amber Heard has lied and bullshit her way to being a victim where as Johnny Depp appears to have, outside of some angry texts not even sent to her directly, not done anything verifiable to her.