
That was before lunch, bro

shit’s down all around

\m/ you won’t be missed \m/

Dangling modifier grammar nazi is the best grammar nazi.

Why were the fishermen floating just below the surface?

You probably typed this with your wifi turned on, which we all know causes electromagnetic fields that impact the macroflavotrol of the post. Nice try, Big Milk shill.

Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.

I have a serious question about that video. I don’t want to offend anyone but it might be a little rough on some people. You’ve been warned. Here’s my question:

China with it`s vast regional ambitions is rising and a hopelessly declining Russia is trying to claw it`s way back in to relevancy - high tech weaponry is a must considering how much those two are investing in to countering US.

Nickel isn’t considered very precious now, but it was extremely precious doing WWII. Nickel was very important as an alloying metal for high temperature components especially in the days before Titanium was a bit more common and easier to obtain. Read a history book dude, and step off the anti-business wagon. Do you

So speaking objectively is douchey? You’re one of those people that get offended when you don’t understand a conversation and think people are “uppity” because they are using big words, huh?

They out innovated everyone in those years. They figured out how to make cylinders to refine uranium using grams of precious nickel instead of pounds. They engineered and built a tank engine out of existing components in weeks, when other manufacturers quoted months. They created electronics to control weapons years

Their motivations are hardly relevant. It wouldn’t be a surprise for a private company to act in self-interested, profit-motivated ways, just as it wouldn’t be a surprise for the 1940’s U.S. government to order a company to produce the goods necessary for wartime operations regardless of the effect doing so would have

aw, you poor thing. you must need a safe space.

LOL. Are you for real?

That’s some shit tier trolling you’ve got there. Couldn’t you have at least implied that the OP was an unstoppable rape machine by his choice of words or something? What happened Jezebel...your ludicrous completely socially unaware outrages over nothing were a lot better the previous year

Might want to hold the snark-he government ordered them and other car manufacturers to cease production of civilian automobiles when war broke out. So its not exactly the war profiteering like you’re suggesting.

the same can be said for pretty much any military/defense contractor or supplier. But your iconoclasm is noted.

Stepping on the either of the two left pedals won’t make the car go.