
Invest in switches instead of Hue bulbs. I’ve got a mixture of both, with 2 dozen Hue lights, 5 Caseta light switches and 3 or 4 Wemo light switches which control some regular dimmable LED bulbs. If I had the chance to go back and do it all over again, I would have almost exclusively chosen to go with Caseta

Invest in switches instead of Hue bulbs. I’ve got a mixture of both, with 2 dozen Hue lights, 5 Caseta light

I swear to god it’s ice cream!

They had their invisible ballistas firing at the same time in the opposite direction.  Those were the surprise ballistas they were going to use if Dany decided to try to get them from behind. 

Sorry, this was an obvious DQ. That horse coming off the rail like that was close to a disaster of a finish. 

Bruce Willis was dead all along in Sixth Sense.

Next week on GoT preview showed two dragons in the air. 

My wife and I bought into the Disney Vacation Club 16 years ago. It was one of the best investments we ever made. While Disney World has lost some of it’s surprise since we’ve been there so many times in a way it’s become more special because we feel like we’re home as soon as we leave the highway and start seeing

As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This Tesla will self-destruct in ten seconds. Good luck, Ethan.

Why don’t you send a check into the government for 10% of your income now? You don’t need to wait to do it since you are such a generous person.

Looks like Carpenter yells, “Stunad!”. Ejection seems a bit harsh.  

Ha! I have employees that do stuff like this. They’ll ask another person in another department, “Bob, I have to get Jane to send her TPS reports, can you do this? I can always reach outand then they come back to me saying “Bob didn’t contact Jane even though I asked him to” and I’m like “stop asking people for what

Just let it cool before use. You don’t make that mistake more than once.

Just let it cool before use. You don’t make that mistake more than once.

Ignore the color choices on the linked page.  These pens all write in black ink. 

Ignore the color choices on the linked page.  These pens all write in black ink. 

Whoa... how do you know about the hot nuts if you’re not sneaking up here during the flight? GET BACK TO STEERAGE, PEASANT! :)

The most pathetic manufacturing defect?  Chryslers in general. 

But technically all of his answers were correct!

Can’t wait until SpaceX and Tesla combine forces down the road and they add Falcon 9 engines to the Model Z.

If I couldn’t get Chick-fil-A, I’d also feel punched in the stomach. 

Technically, you’re not supposed to exceed the speed limit to pass—all passes should be done at or below the legal speed limit. Realistically, that would be crazy dangerous, but you can still get a ticket for it.

Yeah, if I’m driving a car limited to 1112 mph, I definitely wouldn't want to get into a car limited to 112.