I really hope the video evidence ultimately shows Goodell sneaking in in place of the masseuse and giving Kraft a happy ending with Kraft saying “oh yeah, Tom, just like that. JUST. LIKE. THAT.”
Wow, that’s good Kinja!
I don’t think this is going to lead to a happy ending.
Pfft...801 mph? Try flying in this:
If only we could have collectively agreed that only one person would post “who?” in the comment section and then nobody else would reply. That would really have bothered him if he happened upon this article.
People that sex traffic minors should be shot.
Ricket, Greet and Storm Lord are some of my favorite MCU characters.
So Lance Armstrong is safe to hang around?
“...they know that Amazon is run by the richest man on earth and still destroys its workers mentally and physically; and they know that Amazon, a company existentially opposed to unions, is seeking to waltz into the strongest union town in America and tell the entire working class here to go fuck itself.”
Christ. Watch your fucking mouth.
Forever in the grays....
I can’t stand Collinsworth (although he is a step up from Tony Kornheiser—gah, I wanted to hit myself in the head when Kornheiser would be in the booth). Collinsworth gets so over the top when he’s talking about individual players that I sometimes think he secretly wants to end each superlative with “...and I’d suck…
I hated Romo as a quarterback, but man he is great in the booth! Love catching games where he’s helping call games.
Make it kinda look like this.
Snow? I don’t think so. More like “large South American cocaine field”.
Now this would be a much more efficient way to unload them then either bottom dump or the rotary method. Just picture a big scoop extending through the middle of each loop. You could unload a whole train in about 45 seconds. First one gets the bulk of the load, the second any leftovers.
Didn’t watch the video, but did she get at least an eye and an ear or two ears or two eyes down on the ice before she went out of bounds?
Is there a twitch stream of this where we pay them to play in their underwear? or is that something else?