
I'll just add it to my list of grievances I'll be airing to him during Festivus. He may even be the one I challenge to a wrestling match.

That makes sense then.

And Apple is probably just as important a client of Samsung's. Very strange relationship.

But wouldn't that turn what would've been regular suicide bombers into dirty bombs?

The skin gun is being tested:

Ich bein ein terminator!

Uh... so what am I supposed to do for the other 7 hours of my work day? I can't very well alt-tab a book now can I?

Crazy isn't it?

Yeah, I like it, too. It does a good job without ripping my face up. It's a shame I won't be alive to see 14 blades, though.

It's interesting to see how older movies that predicted the future seemed plausible regarding the year in which they project it to take place, but now that we're passed or at least approaching the dates in the movies, it really seems like we're way far behind where they predicted we'd be (well, except for all of the

2100: Gillette introduces 14 bladed razor.

I remember seeing that on TV and just being dumbfounded.

Wow...what a trip down memory lane. I'd spend hours playing this Battlestar Galactica game. Was probably my all time favorite handheld game.

Trigger mentality? Really? Regardless of whether the military campaign is justified or not, other country's armies tend to not have this issue because their total contribution of troops and weapons systems in these conflicts pales in comparison with US forces being put into it. Statistically you'll see a higher

True, but unlike what you're doing for work, I don't think there's enough repetition with a remote to really be able to use it proficiently as a touch-only interface.

I did not know that—I always wondered how they'd manage to press the right button when they were being attacked and had to do it without looking. Now I know. :)

Oops.. yeah, discreet is what I meant to type. And that was my plan—to surreptitiously educate my fellow Giz readers by using incorrect words, thus making them look them up!

I'm getting a QBert vibe for some reason.

Forget judging fish freshness on smell or cloudiness in the eyes. We'll just start determining it based on radioactive decay.

It's just so...ugly. I would prefer something more discrete than the pear/lemon looking thing. The downside to these types of remotes, in my experience, is that they lack tactile feedback so you're constantly having to look at the screen to see what you're hitting. Same reason Star Trek Next Generation inputs were