
How far do xrays and gamma rays travel in space? My understanding (admittedly limited) is that they'll continue until they interact with something that drains off their energy (air, solids, etc.). I remember reading somewhere that a huge gamma ray burst would end all life on the earth. Not that I'm worried, but if

All I can picture are BattleBots smashing their way through the debris.

I hope the ISS astronauts throw a dance party. That will strip these guys of their record real quick!

I don't pretend to know much about supply chains, but Apple may have a contract in place that eats up as much capacity as they need with any other players having to wait in line. So basically factories in Taiwan may have told RIM "we'll sign an agreement for production of your product given our current expectations

Perfecting that technology is a looong way off. Just look at how badly Steve Ballmer is malfunctioning.

Yeah, I read your comment as telomeres were related to cancer, not normal cell function. Totally get what you're saying now. Interesting that cancer dooming us may also save us. Of course, living forever would doom us again. :(

Analysis paralysis. It's taken down better men than us.

From what I knew about telomeres they're large responsible for the body breaking down as the telomeres lose function. I took an Ambien so my research skills are fading right now but wiki has som info on it that you might make sense from.

Yeah, while research isn't my thing, I do wish I could find that rewarding job that make a difference. Anything like that comes at the sacrifice of my family. I never had a clear career path and am on a path that I don't know where it leads. I admire these folks who have been able to find their perfect job that

Yeah...combine that with a better understanding of how to keep telomeres from degrading and you'll be good to go.

I used to like golf, but it after playing 50 round in a year and not improving it turned into an exercise in frustration. I have, however, played on some gorgeous courses that were prepped for tournaments (cart paths only!) which were AMAZING! man I miss those courses.

I heard it's a micro 4/30ths

When you consider the rate of technological advance over the past 100 years and consider that it appears technology is advancing at an even greater pace now, I wonder what's in store for us in the next hundred (although most of us won't live to see quite that far into the future). I wonder what mysteries the

I know with the photoshop work i've done in the past I'd purposely avoid repetition of patterns like this. As I said to Jesus in my other reply, I think my intention of my post was lost in translation coming off in a completely unintended way. Live and learn I guess.

Why do you have to bes like that?

I have a similar tool that generates text automatically when I need it. Let me demonstrate:

heh.. yeah, that's as good of a representation of it as any. Don't forget the Cheetos dust on his shirt!

Wii 2 with finger motion controls. No more need to move any part of your body other than your fingers! Play games at ease while using the least amount of energy possible! It'll revolutionize gaming.

Yeah.. where's that? :) I just remember pre-netscape days when that was all that was really available (or all that I knew of) in my area to surf the web.

Where's Netcom Netcruiser? I demand its representation!!!