
Yeah.. two of them emailed me and said it was Epsilon too.

Besides Tivo, I've gotten three other notices: US Bank, Brookstone, and Dsney.

Ok.. stupidest yet funniest prank I heard yesterday (I can't remember where) is to take a pair of underwear, put a brown streak in it and write your co-worker's name on the waistband. Then just leave it in the office bathroom by the trash (making sure the name is showing). It may be juvenile, but it made me LOL when

Uh... regardless of whether Chernobyl was worse or not, it'll still go down as one of the worst disasters of our time. What's the issue?

First step—hold the ball further back then you probably are. A lot of the wobbly throws happen because people hold it to close to the middle.

It's a watch that would likely cost more than many cars.

Syntheloko just isn't the same.

Dude's wearin' a red shirt. He'll probably be dead shortly after drinking it.

Wow.. you know I didn't even realize those were oil tanks floating in the water. This whole thing is insane.

I seem to be having some commenting issues—I posted earlier where someone was asking why there were cars in the water already, so I'll just repost it here. Forgive me if my original post is showing up and this is a duplicate:

Because by the time the filming started, an entire section of roadway was already underwater. Look at the green building in the video (the one that gives way and collapses into the 5 story building)—this is actually on ground, not in the water. I believe I've found the location of where this was filmed on Google

Yeah, his math is off on the meter to yard conversion, but he says "red zone" not end zone. Meaning 20 yards. Still off, but I get what he was saying.

@phatnacky: Glad someone picked up on it. :)

With all of these knives up your ass, how do you possibly have any room for the pocketwatch you gotta give your friend's kid?

Isn't mooseknuckle what guys and really heavy women get?

Put your red shirt on first. :)

Wouldn't have instructions on how to align vs. the stars in order to transmit back to Earth? Couldn't our future destruction be traced back through the probe's programming "oh look, here's where the signal is pointing at—let's send it back there!"

Ahh.. yes, but I didn't say VGER was killed. They're just going to kill future stuff because we got lucky with VGER. NERD FIGHT! Or is it geek fight?

They just don't want another repeat of VGER considering how close earth came to destruction. Kill it now while you can so you don't have to kill something monstrous in the future.

Seriously? How about stickin' this in you OED???