lol.... i thought the same thing. STOP WEARING SKINNY JEANS YA FREAK.
lol.... i thought the same thing. STOP WEARING SKINNY JEANS YA FREAK.
I don't know. Maybe I do have a cold, snarky heart, but isn't this just like a reject animal farm? I often wonder if money spent buying a horse a prosthetic leg wouldn't be better spent buying a child who's had an amputation a prosthetic leg. But of course, it's not my money and they can do what they want to with…
I have apparently been living under a rock for the past week—is this song a joke? Seriously—WTF???
Yeah, I kind of see what you mean. It feels like Giz has lost its focus.. Just looking at the scrolling bar on the right we've got birthday mentions, war updates, Japan updates, etiquette posts, map mentions, etc.
Yeah, I had that happen to me in scouts—no locking blade and closure on the fingers! OUCH!. My son just got his first knife for his birthday and I found a SAK with a super-easy-to-use locking blade so I hopefully won't have to worry about that.
heh.. I came here to say that. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking morbid thoughts.
The President of Peace TM
It sounds like a giant fart. Well, at least that's what I thought it sounded like when I was 9 years old in cub scouts and we got the privilege to camp on a military base and could watch and hear the A10's on their strafing runs. Very cool experience.
It works both ways, you know. These oil rich nations have their wealth because of the oil dependencies they've created—they have no qualms with managing production to keep prices high and are not the least bit altruistic or give a rat's ass about doing so.
Absolutely. I think I gave him $5 or something like that. He was also riding this homemade bicycle that was hobbled together from a dozen different bikes—the Frankenstein of bikes. Very interesting guy.
I bet you it probably has to do with whatever union bag handlers fall under. They probably have some type of agreement where airlines have to pay more money to them when bags are overweight. Just conjecture, of course, but it's what I've always figured.
Greatest city? That would be generousity. What nation is that in? Donation.
I believe it's because the load will be shared across both. AT&T is bogged down whereas T-Mobile isn't. This is good for AT&T customers because they'll be able to access more towers, but perhaps not as good for T-Mobile customers because they're going to have to share with increased traffic. On the other hand,…
They should do exactly that. Allow them right of first refusal on the .xxx version of their site and go from there. They can also keep their existing domain and have a self-policed industry policy of just putting the "you're about to enter an adult website" on the .com and then forward to the .xxx.
I heard the Bang Bus had their alternator go bad and they need 3 more signups to get a new one. This economy really sucks.
Japanese. Dammit.
JU. Japenease Uranium. It's the new BP.