"I was 6 yrs old when TMI happened"
"I was 6 yrs old when TMI happened"
That's awesome.
This guy is basing estimates on stores not getting restocks on a Sunday and because of that says they're sold out? So if more in the supply chain hit stores today is that not considered part of the initial launch?
And the kid probably had more room in the overhead bin than anyone else in coach.
That one's called F-PDF isn't it? Glad to see it's out of beta.
Unbelievably short-sighted. It happens when you stay in your box and don't think outside of it someone eventually does and leaves you in the dust. I wonder what the next big device category will be. Laptops revolutionized how people used computers, then smartphones revolutionized how people manage and access data. …
Yeah, I don't disagree, but I could swear that AT&T adds on another 2gb when you add the hotspot feature, and it's month to month. Read this:
Yeah, I didn't see that coming at all. Wouldn't have expected such an honest assessment of their own product.
Don't they give you an additional 2gb on top of the data you get with just the regular $25 data pro plan, for a total of 4gb?
Glad I could help. :)
Maybe its real, maybe not. But I lean towards not.. how the hell would headphones work in that jack?
Wow. I have a better chance of being legally executed than struck by lightning. I figured that would be the other way around. I guess I'm more destined for a life of violent crime than hanging out in thunderstorms.
No, you're looking at the charts wrong. They're stacked charts—each segment (CD/Tape/Digital) doesn't always start at the bottom from 0, but rather from the top of the segment it's stacked on.
It was in London (or is—not sure if it"s gone):
Yeah.. I was using that, then it looked like they stopped updating it. I take it it's again working? Thanks.
I don't know, but if they had, I would've bought one if it had the 13" MBA's resolution. Perhaps the processor increase and faster RAM left no room in their profit margin to increase the display and keep the price the same? Could they not have had the manufacturing capacity to do it given all the other display…
Am I allowed to laugh? I'm not sure of the rules any more. :(
Looks like they do (or will):
"What is leg?"