@Joe Legeckis: That was kind of my point...micro four thirds format cameras don't use mirrors or prisms which are the hallmarks of DSLRs and don't fall under that category and are not classified as such.
@Joe Legeckis: That was kind of my point...micro four thirds format cameras don't use mirrors or prisms which are the hallmarks of DSLRs and don't fall under that category and are not classified as such.
@Phoenix303: Foosball is the devil! Dontchoo know? And by da way, dey ever catch dat gorilla that busted outa da zoo and punched you in da eye?
@Mudslag: You are posting and have been since October 9th, no?
@Andrea Glidden: I should have qualified it by saying "more bacon". Food of the Gods. :)
Why do I suddenly want bacon?
@grath: Damn, the ISS is no slouch either, huh? Blows my theory out of the water. :)
@all_in_wonder: I saw that, too...it's a direct quote of a typo but someone already posted it to corrections at the beginning of the comments. :)
"The Delta IV Heavy is the largest rocket in the world in size, capable of producing 1.9 million pounds of trust using its three engines."
@Dabamasha: I thought the same thing. However, could the sheer area of nearly a football field sized antenna be how they are classifying it the largest? ISS definitely has the mass, but not the overall dimensions.
@mikelb: No, I believe the subscription fees you pay each month for Gizmodo content is their primary source of revenue.
@Lemonade: Download AirPrintHacktivator:
@nostrils: Yeah..that's what I'm expecting tomorrow.
@nostrils: I can only speak for my experience, but so far both Pandora and Rhapsody stream to my airport express via AirPlay. I'm getting my AppleTV tomorrow and will then check on video, but it works FLAWLESSLY so far with native apps, and the few third party ones that I've tried.
@FloppyRocks: "based on a true story". Well, except for the piranha part.
@ps61318: I'll help you.
I wonder if Lady Liberty was created in this decade if she'd still have granny panties on or if it'd be a thong.
@Stem_Sell: lol...right over his head. :)
@WingedGenius: It's from here: