@Bugarim: That was a joke on creationism. I tried to figure out how to include dinosaurs as the devil's diversion, but didn't. Guess I should have include a sarcasm tag.
@Bugarim: That was a joke on creationism. I tried to figure out how to include dinosaurs as the devil's diversion, but didn't. Guess I should have include a sarcasm tag.
@cynep: I understand where you're coming from. And probably some people do, but I think most people (in my opinion) just use it to help them focus. My wife is very religious and prays at church, but I know she doesn't think it's really Jesus on the cross at the church. But like I said, I do get your point.
But a broken item is the best excuse for having to go buy a new one.
It looks like the two people in the background of the first pic are naked. "Earthquake blew muh clothes off!"
@siwex80: Dunno. My understanding of idolatry was what I wrote. I'd also always thought graven images were worshipping other Gods. But then again the 6,000 years the universe has been around isn't really much time to figure this out and I am by no means a religious person.
@cynep: I don't think people are worshiping the statue as god. Which is what idolatry would be. They're not looking at it saying "look! That statue is our new God!"
@jedi4life: Beyond 7? Here in the states, we call that "size small".
@virgil.ierubino: We don't like our strippers clanking around when they walk. :)
Clicking through shows it's the carried balance for the credit cards.
@Habs: Agreed.
@Habs: Would it possibly be picking up bills for multiple services where Verizon, for example, bundles cable, home phone, and Internet?
@rbgaynor: Liquid Lego coming in the L-1000 series.
@gstatty: Yeah, I do that as well. Jeez, I'm only 37 and sound like I have Alzheimer's.
Sometimes I'll just randomly pull my phone out, look at it and think "I know there's something I should be doing this right now" and then put it away after a minute or two. It's like the equivalent of walking into a room to do something and then forgetting what you came in to do.
@Benedinho: Heh... yeah, my parents thought I was an angel but did some pretty bad stuff in H.S.
@Benedinho: They could if they wanted too, but since my wife holds onto the cards they have to ask her to use them (they're only 9 and 12). The biggest thing that it's taught them is that they are actually able to save up for things. Seeing their balance grow (vs. just cash in a piggy bank where you have no idea…
@macpatrik: When they get older and hang onto their cards themselves, I'm sure that's what they'll do too. We've actually talked with them about it to see if they like it and they've said they prefer it. So much so that they'll often give us birthday/christmas cash that they get and we'll put that amount on their…
I have a similar setup like this through USAA. Each of my kids have a prepaid debit card that we automatically load their allowance onto. It makes them think much harder about impulse purchases and has helped them understand how savings adds up to allow them to buy what they want to buy (vs. the crap they'd buy at…
@Wheema: Yes, but here in the US we've been relatively isolated from it. Give us 30 years and we'll get used to it too...but if this does start happening with regularity, people will panic for a long time before they just carry on.
@RubiksCube: There's not enough matter to sustain it as it's gone in an instant.