
Are harassment cases like these limited to workplace? I’m not agreeing with anything this guy did (even if its possible he honestly misread their ‘relationship), but this is the stuff you hear at bars every night - can you file a claim on every douche that walks up and tries to take you home? I’ve definitely heard

I haven’t looked into it, but is he a white male? If so, he’ll still be screwed over and looked at as a scumbag. If it turns out that he simply misread the situation (which happens at a place where you see the same people every day for years) and they tried to crucify this guy, nothing will happen to make it right.

I also agree with you on this, but the “outrage” is allegedly over how HR handled it. I read the remarks and the guy’s response and the first thing I thought was - it is highly possible that she may have mislead him into thinking she was into him and he did a terrible job of “going for it”. Then I read about how she

Sadly, the game is not a parody of sorts. It’s heavily pay to win since you don’t progress unless you actually win, and you don’t get any gold/tickets/cards unless you win. This goes for campaign and PVP. Now, there are free card packs you can get every 3 hours but the stuff is not very useful outside of beginner

I guess it’s better than paying her to try and talk about specs that she doesn’t really know or care about?

It already exists apparently, and I would link you to it if I wasn’t at work right now. It’s also small and not very popular yet. Maybe it will start to court these folks.

When I was in high school, a 14 year old black kid got life in prison after killing a 6 year old while playing around and doing wrestling moves on her. The judge called what he did“cold, callous and indescribably cruel”.

Don’t care enough about the MS Office part, but I love hearing teachers who find a way to get the kid who doesn’t normally do well interested in trying to learn.

That should totally be added to all news networks when they have multiple speakers

You know...what’s funny/sad is that most of the reviews I read today are like this, yet they spent more time emphasizing the things they didn’t like, such as wave battles, the “repetitive” corridors in some missions, and the fact that there were missions that didn’t feel like they contributed to the story. You were

I’m about to get married, and some of these songs are going to be played because the “fun” factor. Also, it’s the best time to pull out the phone and have great videos of people failing at dancing.

It’s because it’s a fighting game with a low character count, almost no background story for the characters, and a small deviation between their skillset. This isn’t me trying to knock the game, this is me explaining why ANY fighting game bores me after a certain period of time. No connection to characters, or they

Just another day at a Magic: The Gathering tournament.

This is like the most common “fetish” out there. I can’t even imagine why he would leave his career. If people at my job found out, I wouldn’t care (I hate feet btw). They might talk about it as a joke from time to time, but it’s nothing to truly be ashamed of. They found this out about one of the most popular NFL

Unfortunately, that is how this works. Nintendo drops some dumb stuff, and the fans are all, “but zelda! splatoon! mario!”. Even saw them defending that horrible online app: “It’ll be better by the time we have to pay for online.” IT HAS BEEN BETTER SINCE PS2 WENT ONLINE!!

Reminds of fighting Bison in SF2 and me flipping out on how fast he executed all his charge attacks back to back to back.

The gambit system was built based on the AI from previous games (they stated this in one of their promo videos). All of the “if-then” functions were pulled from enemy ai programming from the previous final fantasy games. There was no true reason to make the AI teammates learn in FF12 because you always had full

My aunt was in 3 and 4 and recently left because 1 and 2. Said she couldn’t even talk to anyone there about it for fear of her livelihood. Not that she was afraid they would hurt her, just that she was afraid that they would somehow interfere with her getting a job elsewhere. 

And one of your best fighters gets suspended from the fight during that 3-1 boss, so he can’t help you face the boss’ second and third forms

I’m not going to read or watch any videos, I’m just going to say: Yes, they are cheating. But of course, the game deserved it’s 92 metacritc/opencritic score. Three points above Horizon, which clearly isn’t as good as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe /s