
I can’t wait to see how much this costs. It looks like one of those $30 PC headsets you could pick up at Wal-Mart in the early 2000s - which should now be worth $10 or less. I’m sure it will be at least $60 unless it’s bundled with the game, which would be maybe a $99 bundle

No no, don’t try to justify this, LunarRoar is correct - this makes no sense. hurtttsss

Is this why we don’t have Indivisible? Or is that just someone related to the Skullgirls team?

I stopped playing in game because I didn’t play enough to get the good cards needed for that synergy, but this game is not the same game from Witcher 3. It’s free, so try it out, run through the tutorial and see how you feel.

Yes, I love this feature. Limited amount of card based on rarity so you don’t run into people who have an entire deck of legendary cards (because there’s no cost to play)

Just beware of the account crossover. GOG account isn’t shared across console and PC so...your stuff might not carry over, which blows. I’m legitimately playing on both in case I have friends that want to play on one or the other.

Yeah, and unless you are a Hall of Fame legendary type player, they get rid of you quick in a lot of pro sports. They do have “rest” periods though, in the form of the off season. I’ve never played videogames competitively, so idk the strain, but a lot of us loved the off season during football and track. You still

Yes, you are correct. You cannot please these crazed Overwatch fans. “Pharah’s skins don’t match her heritage! Women that aren’t of one culture should not wear things of that culture!!” “Lucio is only getting skins that represent his culture and occupation! Brazilian DJs that play hockey should not be represented by

Awesome, another card game for me to start, fail miserably, then watch from far away. At least I tried it out (or, I will once I get home from work)

While I have 2 computers in my house, I can’t imagine any serious situation where I couldn’t share my computer (load up a temp account that has access to nothing). The closest thing I had to this was my fiance and I being snowed in and both working from home. She had to use the tiny laptop screen because I was on the

lol I was just thinking that. Writes a rant about how dumb the odds are, then buys 100 boxes....

Exactly why I have an issue who think this is a “cop out”. It would be if they weren’t dripfeeding every single character’s backstory. Or, maybe if they immediately dropped that info just to shut people up. We have no idea how long these assets have been around. For all we know, this could have been her story in the

We don’t know how long ago these backstories were written. It does seem odd that they are dripfeeding the info though. It’s not really a big deal, people just want something to complain about. How many people are looking at Overwatch, or any videogame, and thinking - “Man, if only this videogame represented my culture

The cubes are cool I guess...I do own two of them, but I refer to my rubiks cube at my desk more. Also...someone is bit angry in the comments section today....

I guess. It’s like holding on to RAW file type for your photos. As long as there is something to convert it, it’s better to hold on to that lossless format for storage/archiving, then convert to whatever is the standard when needed.

It depends on the device you are moving your files to. I’m ok with ripping to FLAC, but unless you have one of those expensive, high-end devices plus high-end headphones to go with it, I’d continue to transfer using mp3 or AAC. Just depends on how much of an audiophile you want to be.

I’ll download in FLAC, but if it’s going anywhere (mobile or whatever), I convert to mp3. I mostly use Google Music and Spotify so I rarely listen to stuff locally on my computer. I’m not into spending hundreds on headphones and then even more (nearly a grand sometimes) for a portable media player that reads FLAC and

Most of the story is told outside of the game through the website, though you have to collect stuff in game to get the info. I’m sure there are plenty of websites that will go through that stuff in detail. I will say, as others have already stated, that the story is irrelevant to most of what you do, especially since

He copy/pasted the first paragraph and swapped office with Google Docs. It was a not-so-great attempt at being funny. It would require all of us to be daily readers of all tech articles posted on this site.