
Don’t have any new ones, but my ongoing ones:

This is what i thought the article was going to be about. I stopped my NG+ run for the same reason. There is no tutorial to refresh you on all the complicated combos that you had memorized after like 30hours in AND the difficulty is increased so, despite being a badass in strength, I was still getting handled because

They’ll be alright.

There is a "Karens in the wild" YouTube channel

I lucked out and find a paradise planet to call home. Biggest gripe is how red everything is on it

Are people here actually playing the game? You can’t buy eggs and you always have a free means to open them. You only pay for impatience.

trash your old stuff, it’s useless (except exotics as they don’t have level caps). Also at the character select screen, there should be an icon next to your character that vaults them to whatever the current base is.

Some extra info, this only seems to work for these models: Model CUH-ZEY1 or CUH-ZEY2

I don’t have that and mine is day one...I assume most of the people with issues putting in their serial number also do not have either of those 2 models.

The problem is Karen and her friends see these workers as beneath them so they’ll keep these places afloat. It’s not enough for us and the workers to speak up, everyone has to. As long as people see certain jobs as beneath them, we re going to have these issues.

I laughed too much at this

EA Access =/= Early Access. You are playing the actual release version, just 10 days early due to paying for the subscription. We give EA too much credit here calling it Early Access, which normally means they have some sort of plan to fix the game prior to release....they usually don’t.

Lol, normally I would be against this statement, but when raids average out at like 20 hours to complete, you have to be a special breed of “screw life” to do that constantly

I’m not going to pretend I know the numbers, but I bet those 25-35 year olds buy a decent chunk of their Pokemon games. Probalby carried them through that small slump they had when there were a few monster battle/collection shows/games coming up. Pokemon made it through as clear leader and I think that’s due to the

This is exactly what I was thinking. I thought this was going to be a list of, “Here are good games that don’t try to siphon money from you by paywalling an unoriginal game”. Instead it was “you can pretend to better yourself with this semi-pretentious list of ‘brain training’ games”

Can confirm that Gamepass subscription is not limited to new subscribers. I am not new BUT....I was not currently a subscriber. I was checking my transaction history with them and it looks like I just hop on every time there’s a deal, let it expire (you can immediately turn off auto-renew), and then wait for the next

Can confirm that Gamepass subscription is not limited to new subscribers. I am not new BUT....I was not currently a

“People are rude enough to think they can play with slow internet already.

I have Sonic Mania, I’m not sold on Shovel Knight, but I keep considering it. Maybe for Mario Maker and Bloodstained (again, not sure about it). Ok, fine I’ll buy it. Only because the joystick really sucks

I have Sonic Mania, I’m not sold on Shovel Knight, but I keep considering it. Maybe for Mario Maker and Bloodstained

I would need a list of 5 games where I absolutely needed this and would enjoy the game in handheld mode more than tv. I’ll list one because it’s the obvious: PuyoPuyo Tetris (Not Tetris 99 because I only play handheld when I’m not at home)

I would need a list of 5 games where I absolutely needed this and would enjoy the game in handheld mode more than

Yes, there is 1 big thing stopping it: Parental Controls. And if the kid gets through that, it’s the parent’s fault. I don’t even have a kid yet (few months away) and all my purchases require a password and that password is either long and not something that could be guessed, or a bunch of random

You aren’t lucky, it seems like a lot of people are trying their best to drag this game through the mud. Like someone said above, this game, on release, is playing better than Division and Destiny did. These types of games don’t launch as strong as others so it’s on par with the other games of it’s style.