
whoo man you are a VERY good friend. I couldn’t be bothered. I won’t even do that for my fiance because it angers me so much that she doesn’t even try sometimes. I bet those people really appreciate what you do and if they don’t, you should shamelessly remind them how difficult it is to maintain that stuff for more

Agreed. If it were going to buried, those players were not going to be suspended. Minnesota isn’t a big enough school for the AD to care about tarnishing their name. This is a Goodell move, suspend players who have no charges against them - unless it was some other reason, like being out past whatever football curfew

Well that’s just not true. I’ve seen plenty of guys on sports scholarships that have maybe a larger budget on their meal cards, but they are not getting free 24hour chefs making them food, at least not on campus - maybe some nice diner nearby that’s diehard for the school. I knew guys on scholarships that would have

“ I am looking for a messaging platform that is tied to my Google account, created and supported by Google, to be cross platform and device.”

I figured someone would throw this out there. I’m pretty sure he’s the only person ever to do this, so don’t belittle his accomplishment by throwing race out there. It helps that he’s smart as hell and works hard. I love when people think just because someone’s not white they aren’t as smart and are “just an

Yeah, not all state schools are a cake walk. I too am from VA and was rejected from VTech, but accepted everywhere else, including “better” private schools. Just cost way more.

You can tell when someone who doesn’t play the game writes an article about the game. I have a love/hate relationship with Madden because I love the NFL and this is my only option now, but I also realize most of these glitches are one offs or at least not experienced by most people who play this game.

In before the DMCA article....

I think we can stop milking this story now. We’ve seen it from all angles. We’ve seen it boot up and do stuff. Unless you have a release date and price, we can stop posting about it everyday.

At first I thought this was a clickbait title because Feedly shows “Deus Ex: Mankind Divided isn’t the first game to take this approach” as the title. Then I realized that it just doesn’t have a title - but how does an article not have a title?

Any professional sport that pays it’s players. People can play for terrible teams, but play extremely well, then get paid way more because they are a better athlete. I’m not trying real sports are the same as esports, but you put in the time to practice and play well. You put in the time to learn the ins and out, and

Yes, I feel the same. I could play an amazing game and still lose the game/ranks because it’s all based on wins/losses. This is disheartening for someone who doesn’t make playing Overwatch a priority.

Better stay away from IGN and Polygon then. Mostly IGN. At least on Polygon they try to have sort of reasoning behind some of the crap they spew in the comments section even though they are like the sheep on Reddit that just go with the majority.

I agree with most of what you said. I also agree with the server wipe EXCEPT, the game is not always online, so unless there’s a check for dates when things are discovered, people with pre-release copies will not have to worry about the wipe

I feel like reviewers who get this and judge it before the pre-release patch will give us misleading reviews? Maybe I should hide from the internet until I get it into my own hands...this just doesn’t seem like a good idea.

Evolutions ruined Fennekin and Chespin, while making everyone love Froakie (although I disagree). Same could happen here. They could drop in starters from the old games to help too :) I’ll take Charmander wherever I go.

I just came here to say it looks like Geralt is doing the Dab in that second picture. Apologies if that’s explained in the article, I skipped most of it because I’m still playing this game

I think it’s delayed for the purpose of other things that could happen. It’s not as live as other action games. I see it more like...Type-0. Your attacks SHOULD be some sort of strategic approach, rather than a smash fest. They didn’t have the combo/team attack feature in this latest demo, and the lack of counter

My first ever was Squirtle, so I by the time I got around to restarting and using Charmander, I understood the mechanics and just dealt with the grind. Also, rolled with Butterfree in Yellow to balance out how weak Pikachu was going to be early on.

I didn’t say I supported anyone, just that all these articles do is fuel the flames. Not sure where you are getting that from. It does not encourage any sort of resolution, just more badmouthing, which makes the other side more pissed, which keeps the cycle going.