
A lot of them are getting things wrong too...especially coming from clearly just playing the Platinum “tech” Demo...which is just that. You can tell when they complain about the simplicity of the combat or by saying it’s “kingdom hearts with FF skin”

Agreed, lots of people are judging the ENTIRE game off of the tech demo. Duscae did a good job of teaching you how to balance your attacks and shows how battles are rather strategic, even if you are only controlling one player, there’s so much going on that trying to (directly)control them all would be difficult.

I think if more people were able to play Duscae from tutorial to end, they would worry less about the combat. I first played Duscae, skipped through the tutorial, and immediately hated what I was doing. Then I went back, paid attention, and realized that the battle system was way more in depth then I was giving it

This is all their doing. They are one of the few popular enough to do their own thing. I’ve watched Xavier Woods’ YouTube channel and that’s just who he is (and the other two randomly make appearances also and are pretty much just as insane).

Well said. This article, and others like it are doing nothing but fueling the flames

Being a games journalist makes that easier to say since they usually have a chance to get a game early to preview and thus have a better idea of the game before it even releases.

As long as we all agree that Pikachu is the worst starter...Unless it gets a mega evolution that makes it electric dragon...Pikazard!

Never...never too early. I need to find a pair of these for my kids to wear while we walk around

So...Charmander :D