Not sad per se but the first time I watched Black Swan I had to turn it off. Natalie Portman’s portrayal of psychosis was extremely uncomfortable to watch.
Not sad per se but the first time I watched Black Swan I had to turn it off. Natalie Portman’s portrayal of psychosis was extremely uncomfortable to watch.
Also, we did NCA camps and I am sad we didn’t do UCA ones. I could have definitely been All-American in UCA but you have to tumble for NCA and I could not :(
Re: the lack of space for practicing, I’m wondering if this is just a culture thing? I cheered for a high school in a small town with most of its residents in higher tax brackets. Other sports programs had no problem getting funded: the football stadium got an all-weather track, then turf and new bleachers; most teams…
This is hilarious. I don’t know where people get so much free time.
Call On Me- Eric Prydz
Damnit Google... and Kinja for not letting me edit... try this one…
She has a crazy story. Her dad sounds like he was The Worst... he forced his wife to give up their disabled daughter at birth and allegedly squandered all of Dominique’s gymnastics earnings, causing her to emancipate herself at 17. Olympics or not it honestly sounds like the other Moceanu sister had a better childhood.
She’s actually only 8th most followed now! A mere 71.5 mil
I finally feel like I can come out of hiding... I’ve never found him remotely attractive. He’s a great villain though.
I think about this a lot. Like the Youtube crazies seem to eat a lot of exotic fruits that aren’t native here. At what point does the carbon footprint from the shipping of exotic fruits outweigh the carbon footprint of eating some local cured meats from a delightful place such as Salt & Time in Austin? I don’t know…
She is so awesome.
Do people who like that song really choose it because of the lyrics? In all there are 8 lines that are just repeated a ton (unless you count the ‘oohs’):
People only pay attention to the evidence that supports their beliefs. In general in the world I feel like widespread critical thinking & self-awareness could solve so many problems.
Koalawalla land
This is the first photo I actually recognize. Deb from Dexter! Did not like her, all the profanity seemed forced.
Lol I searched “samford adpi” in Facebook and this is the first result:
Update! I did get super sad the day after and so did my new husband, but I chalk that up to hormones & just being, like, wayyy more happy than usual on the wedding day. Now all is good :)
MTV needs to put all these bloggers in a Real World house together. I really want Freelee to prove she eats that many calories/bananas, works out at a normal level, and stays thin/is not pooping 14 hours a day. I’m more perplexed by that than any of the fake drama.