arbbles berglers

welcome to the av club

man, you're right - she really does look a lot like elliott gould

a callback to a previous joke is a callback whether or not you like the joke.

i actually imagine av club writers as pompous, self-involved twits isolated in beige, harshly lit apartments littered with fast food wrappers and friends dvds.

he says "techno" you ding dong.

that's not really true, though. it's just that those two settings get the most attention. i don't always agree with him, but i think he's one of the better game reviewers out there.

i was in to annoying "facts" about bono when everyone laughed about them years ago

ah, so that's why he wrote the article in the form of a legal thriller parody. to NOT be funny. i will agree that he succeeded.

i'm nearly done and i've hardly hid in lockers at all, so i know it's not a required part of the game to do constantly. if it's an element you don't like - how about you try doing it less. dummy.

was this supposed to be… funny?

we're all thrilled to know you think so.

seriously? fuck you.

thanks - please keep us posted on any changes to canadian video rental services that might arise. we're all eagerly awaiting updates!!

oh, her excuse is that she's a complete moron. i think i first realized this fact when she identified ray wise as "the shrim guy"

good joke about abandoning human relations - its even funnier than when the ad for the marathon made it!

where's the toolbox? av club's snarkbot is on the fritz again.


gave up when sookie was revealed to be a goddamn FAERIE. fuck you true blood rot in hell

as absolutely retarded as this show is - if she signed a contract that explicitly (GET IT) stated her genitalia would be blurred out, then she does have a reasonable case against VH1. they fucked up the censoring. that's on them, and she's obviously seeing $$$ in her eyes.

oh, so you're the guy that thinks someone calling a joke out for being condescending and racist means they don't understand that it's a joke. nice try with the pulled-from-the-headlines diss, though - it was *almost* enough to make you look clever!