
I can't imagine a better birthday present than getting to party with David Bowie and Tilda Swinton.

AND it's her 17th birthday! BEST birthday EVER

Lorde really reminds me of Darlene Conner here. And that's a good thing.

Darlene Connor-esque.

The BFA has plenty of Bowie shots and a few of him with Swinton, like this one. Get 'em if you can!

How are you so beautiful? How are you making gray eyeshadow worn all the way around the eye work?

Hmm, I had a totally different take on the ending of that movie. Whether or not he "gets" her in the end is left wide open. The only thing he does realize is that she's a human being, not just some dream of his that he can control. The entire point of the movie is that we have this image of people in our heads that we

Those boots do not look like bags, they look like uncircumcised penises. Everyone agrees.

According to BTVS mythology the majority of slayers don't live much past their teens. Even with their super strength, slayers are expected to be horribly murdered at the hands of some evil or another. I'd say that's underdog.

Now you're just being cheeky.

Wow, her coloring is gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen eyes that color.

Kind of a half-assed outfit, if you ask me.

Woohoo! I have one of my own superheroes :)

I'm waiting for all the comic book nerds to say that they hate this because Peter Parker is meant to be white not ethnic and canon is important and why are we trying to shove this shit down everyone's throat but I'm not racist I just think it's important to stick to canon.

Season 4 was terrible. It was a labor of love to keep watching. And love, thy name is Rudy.

Veronica, Mac, and Wallace. Sure, with her genius brain and PI training it's a little weird to call Veronica an underdog, but they were all socially ostracized middle-class kids in a sea of filthy rich assholes.

Buffy! Obvs.

It works for Catholics. My siblings and I have been living out our Catholic guilt our whole lives (despite not one of us being practicing Catholics).

I always thought that if I ever had kids, I'd probably use guilt and the withholding of my love to keep them on the straight and narrow. It's one of the reasons I decided not to have kids.

I have nothing to add, other than that for whatever reason, I initially read your first sentence as "...I've heard that the most powerful control tool is a gun.", and I was like "WHOA...Violet has some surprising opinions on child discipline." I have no idea where that came from. But carry on. :)