

Pfft. People always say that, but I bet she also works out A LOT.

Here’s Chrissy Teigen eating spaghetti in her bed on a yacht.

Women’s soccer and women’s tennis are every bit as good as the men’s game.

If there is money involved, it is a real thing that matters. People have been getting paid to play videogames for almost 20 years.

Its almost as if a game that is made out of passion, where every participant pours their hearth and soul into it and where the focus is to make it the best it can be will be inherently better than a game which is being marginalized to maximize profits and reduce costs...

Can’t we just have one or two fucking nice things that aren’t ruined by greedy assholes? I mean seriously, a mini Vegas at the Grand Canyon? What, the majesty of one of Earth magnificent wonders isn’t enough, we gotta throw in some blow, slots and hookers to spice the place up?

After Injustice and Gotham City Sirens, I’m too much on the “I like Harley as a reluctant good guy” side of things now. Seriously, read Injustice. She’s incredible in it.

The boss fight is playable and pretty simplistic.

I don’t think examining and trying to improve your own thinking has no value but the limited amount of questions in the test isn’t particularly useful, and I’m a sucker for this kind of thing so I’ve done similar ones before and gotten similar results so completing this test didn’t really teach me anything other than

I had originally pre-ordered Akrham Knight so I could play as Harely, but decided to cancel it and wait for the game of the year edition that will hopefully eventually come out. Sounds like it might have been a good call on my part.

I got Rationalist but I can’t be that rational if I know these tests have no actual value but do them anyway.


I got “Can’t Resist Dumb Online Personality Quizzes.”

You know who would be a cool hero to follow Abathur’s gameplay? Deckard Cain. Put that old man inside the base, casting support stuff and yelling “Stay a while and listen!”. There, you have me interested.

The lack of an item shop is the reason I’m actually playing HotS. I’ve tried Dota and LoL but the item shop was just overwhelming. Getting yelled at my players for not buying the right items or playing my char correctly really turned me off. And, I wasn’t willing to start researching a games min/maxing theories just

Rupert Friend sounds like the perfect name for a Discworld Assassin.